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Succubus Stories v0.9.0 will be coming on June 24th to patrons and on July 1st for the free edition of the game. I apologize that the game slipped into late June, but the extra time will help me polish things up, since this update is complex in terms of the branching of the narrative and it needs extra testing. The update's title is "Lady of the Rain."

New Story Content

The truth has finally been revealed, and now that the identity of Lady Pelenor has come to light, the player character and her comrades won't be safe until they find a way to stop her. Who will the player character turn to as a final confrontation looms on the horizon? And for what purpose has Lady Pelenor been building her power and biding her time?  

As chapter three draws to a close, the player will be given up to six different options to choose from regarding possible plans to deal with Lady Pelenor. Which options are available to her will be based on her past relationships, decisions, and behavior. Once she choose a plan, dramatically different events will unfold across chapters four and five, ultimately leading to one of several different endings. It's recommended that you make a save file before choosing a path.  

In addition to the brand new story content, v0.9 also adds new activities, events, requests, and scenes to the game. Tons of brand new artwork has also been added, and all older artwork has been remastered and improved dramatically.  

New Side Content and Activities 

A few new requests have been added in this update. After completing these requests, the character will gain the ability to create a homunculus and the ability to use futa potions on female NPCs.  

The homunculus is created via alchemy, and can be assigned to carry out various tasks, like collecting ingredients or serving a sentence in the dungeon on the player's behalf. Only one homunculus can exist at a time, and it disappears after carrying out its task or after a certain amount of time. You can also lewd the homunculus, of course. New CGs for sex with the homunculus are included.  

The expanded futanari options simply allow the player to use futa potions on female NPC characters via potion magic. New CGs for futanari sex are included.  

Other Additions and Changes 

Alchemy progression has been overhauled. Potions that require more materials to make now contribute more to alchemy growth, and potions that are fairly easy to create contribute less, and eventually nothing. This means spamming cheap potions will now only get you so far, however, alchemy progression is actually faster overall in my testing.  

The shame system has been adjusted in several ways. First, the cooldown for shame emergencies is increased, so the minimum time between such emergencies is much longer. Second, the actual base chance of shame emergencies occurring has been reduced by about 33%. Finally, having certain exhibitionism-related perks further decreases the base chance of an emergency. Each of the last three perks (nudist, no shame, and true whore) reduce the the chance of a shame emergency occurring by about 25% each. This should reduce the rate of shame emergencies to about 2.5% when you have the "true whore" perk. This is a massive reduction in paper, but when playing the game, I still did encounter shame emergencies with some regularity when I was trying to trigger them, so if you like them, you should still be able to get some. I may introduce a trait set or a potion to counteract these changes in a future update.  

Some new scenes and events have been added to existing playlists. Additionally new artwork has been added, a whopping 20 new CGs, plus new status images for the player character. Also, older artwork has been dramatically improved. The game has never looked better; in fact, I re-did all the game's screen shots!

A Glance Ahead

Chapters 4 and 5 will be a lot of work because of the branching narrative, so story content for these chapters may take longer than you're used to. There are six different ending paths (slight spoiler warning):

  • The Witch Path
  • The Guard Path
  • The Bandit Path
  • The Demon Path
  • The Noble Path
  • The "Girls' Night" Path

These path/ending names are not official or anything. I may use them as the official ending names or I may not, but the point is that after you commit to a plan at the end of chapter 3, chapter 4 and 5 have a lot of divergences based on that. Many of the paths share common scenes and events, so it's more like 3 or 4 times the writing rather than 6 times the writing, but still, it's a lot of extra stuff, especially with all the testing I need to do. I considered making one path at a time, but I'm honestly not sure how that'd even work.

But that's actually farther in the future than you might think. v0.10, coming in late August, is actually going to mark the game's first anniversary, and for that update I want to focus on doing something special, so I want to add some special side content and requests rather than diving straight into chapter 4. You can think of this as being similar to v0.5 "Witches' Coven," which consisted mostly of lots of side content and requests rather than story content. I'll kick off chapter 4 proper in v0.11. I also expect to start testing mods and mod support in v0.10, with some patron-only mods popping up in v0.11!

Starting in v0.11 I really want to mainline the game's story content. I want to have the game's story, postgame, and new game + mode implemented in Q1 or Q2 of 2022. That doesn't mean there won't be new activities and requests and other kinds of side content, of course, but it does mean there very well may be less of that stuff for a while. I'll get into why I'm making this decision in a future post about it.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'll see you on the 24th with the update! Actually I'll probably see you before then, but you know what I mean!



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