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Not sure I’ll make a volume 2, but we’ll call this volume 1 anyway. That’s the royal “your,” there in the title. So I feel like there’s some questions/comments that either I get a lot or that seem worth addressing in a longer-form format than a comment reply, so I decided I wanted to spend a bit of time replying to those.

1: Will there be an Android port?

Maybe. This is on “life support” on the task board, which means I’m not working on it at all, basically, but I am thinking about someday maybe working on it. Realistically, if I do make an Android app, I would do so only after the game is finished, so it’s not gonna be soon. And if you want to play the game on your Android device now, you can pretty easily. The web version of the game runs fine on mobiles, Android or IOS. If you want to play offline, you can use the JoiPlay app to run the browser version of the game, which you can download off the Itch.io page. You won’t need any plugins to play it on JoiPlay, but you’ll need to configure the game to run in portrait mode and probably adjust a few other settings, too.

2: When will the game be complete? How far along is the game?

“Complete” is not as straightforward a standard as you might think, so let’s define it. I will consider the game to be “released” (right now, it’s in a prerelease state) when the story is complete, the new game + feature is implemented, and the endgame/post game content I’m planning that I won’t spoil is complete. I expect all this to be done before the end of Q2 2022, so probably next summer sometime, though that is a very rough estimate, and I am not making any promises.

I do not plan to stop working on the game and immediately transition to another project however. After finishing the main game, I want to expand the content in many activities, continue to add more requests and activities, continue to work on things like mod tools, and revise and expand some story and request content. While I’m working on polishing and improving the game, I will probably begin pre-production on whatever I want to do next. So while the game will be in v1.0.0 and in a sense “complete,” I plan to continue to work on it for a while after that point.

3: How do I get to Uptown? How do I get to [other area]?

With the exception of the witches’ coven, which must be unlocked via an optional request you’ll receive in the barracks, all areas are unlocked via story progression. Sometimes areas are removed via story progression as well, but usually only temporarily. If you can’t seem to progress the story, check the log (press E to open it). You need to periodically rest at your home to move the story forward, that’s generally the place people end up getting stuck at.

4: The game is only the same 3/4 scenes and some random events? (Or, where is all the content?)

I think one thing I can say is that we do not currently have a major content problem in this game. There could always be more to do, but there is a lot here. However, most content is tied to activities and perks. You can unlock new activities by progressing the story and completing requests, and you can earn new perks by having sexual experiences. It’s important in terms of design not to drop every single activity on a player right when they start a game, so these gating mechanics are actually intended to create a flow where you frequently unlock new stuff one thing at a time: you unlock uptown with new exploration events, then complete a request to unlock a gloryhole at the tavern, then unlock the dungeon due to story progression, then you earn the correct perks to start doing the flashing activity, then continue the story to unlock the maid academy, etc. It is not intended to be a grind, though there are a few spots where you may spend some time between unlocks that’s a little too long, and I do try my best to balance the game to prevent these from happening too often.

If the game feels sparse or boring to you, I suggest mainlining the story and requests (use the log to blast through it if you want, which you can access in the menu or by pressing the E key), which will help you unlock several activities and areas relatively quickly.

I may look into trying to improve the early game so it doesn’t seem like it has a content problem, but that’s hard to do.

5: Can you do a lesbian only run or will this be possible in the future? Can you permanently become a futanari and play that way?

The main focus of Succubus Stories will always be female-on-male sex, as I consider that to be the core of the succubus theme and fantasy. It’s the most prevalent content in the game and cannot be avoided. As such, there are no plans to add a lesbian-only path or a permanent futanari transformation; it’s just not the game I’ve made. However, adding more lesbian and futanari content is something I do plan on.

6: Why do the words cover the text?????????

I wanted to make the game work on mobile, and I hate, hate, HATE the way most VNs look on mobile, so I decided to smash them together, basically. That’s not the whole story, though; early on in development I wasn’t going to have images at all, but then I decided I needed them to be more marketable, but I thought of them like mood-setters, like how you might use music. So it made sense to me to “de-emphasize” the images. There is a button you can use to toggle the text off, it’s the little camera icon on the right side. You can also press CTRL on the keyboard.

That said, I recognize it’s not great. I might try to fix it, but I’m not even sure how. If I make another game, rest assured I will not layer the text completely over the images like this.

7: Will you add X fetish?

There’s no harm in asking, but here’s a run down of things that are occasionally asked about that I won’t add:

  • Anything non-consensual. It wouldn’t fit the game’s tone and themes, I don’t find it hot at all personally, and I don’t want to provoke the ire of our glorious overlords here on Patreon.
  • “Draining” the life force of partners. This does fit with the succubus theme so I get why it’s asked sometimes, but I just don’t find it appealing and it wouldn’t fit the game’s tone and themes.
  • Anything involving non-humanoids. There are obviously demons in the game, but other than that, don’t expect monsters or furries or anything like that.
  • Anything that’s illegal in most countries. You know what I mean. Not gonna happen.

Also worth mentioning is BDSM. I’m not opposed to it’s inclusion, but I’m not really into it and I don’t think I could do it justice. That doesn’t mean I can’t eventually hire someone to help add some content like that to the game.


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