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As part of my continuing overhaul and expansion of the game's exhibitionism mechanics, shame is being added as a new player status to keep track of. It's designed to be relatively low maintenance compared to lust and hunger, so if it's not your cup of tea, it's easy enough to ignore. However, the improved feedback from the game for nudity and hygiene should make for a more compelling experience to players looking for that kind of content.

When the player character is nude or dirty (or both), she will gain shame when in public areas. Public lewd acts will also cause her shame. As her shame builds up, she will enter the embarrassed state, and then the ashamed state.

In the embarrassed state, the player character will gain lust more rapidly than normal. She will also take a minor penalty to her social stats. When she is in the ashamed state, the increased lust generation and social penalties are dramatically increased and she will be in danger of a shame emergency.

Like other emergencies, when a shame emergency occurs, you will temporarily lose control of the player character. In this case, she will either hide or run away, both of which waste time. Running away will also see her go to a less populated location. These emergencies are more like events than the other emergencies, in that there are a few variants and the occasional choice to make.

Shame is reset if the player is clothed and clean--this also means clothed, clean characters can engage in lewd acts in public with impunity if they have the perks to do them. Shame can go down over time if the player character is in low-population locations, like the forest, the lake, or her home, and generally shame emergencies cannot happen in these areas.

Shame will not have a gauge, instead, you will have to keep an eye on the portrait, which will blush when embarrassed. When ashamed, the blushing expression becomes less subtle. I'm working on potentially making this even clearer, maybe with an actual text notification, but I'm also experimenting on making the image glow a bit pink when the player character is in danger of a shame emergency occurring.

I didn't intend to do all this exhibitionism stuff this month, but I once I started, I just thought that maybe it was a decent thing to build the whole update around, so here we are. I have one more system I want to add: a "crowd" actor to sex scenes that occur in public for extra scene components that involve comments and shocked reactions from passers-by. The code-side plumbing for such a system largely exists, as I've been building it behind the scenes for a few months now, but it still needs work, retroactive addition throughout the game, and lots of content, so I don't think I'll manage to get it into this update, which is already taking a long time. Something to look forward to, though, if you're a fan of the exhibitionism stuff.

Expect an update preview with a release date announcement for v0.7 this week sometime. See you then!


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