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That's amazing! Thank you all so much!

This money will be well spent, rest assured. I've already collected a team of writers to help me generate content, and I'm currently working with them to get them up to speed, including producing documentation and such. It's taken up a lot of my time since I've been back to work, so I'm not sure if any of their content will make it into the February update, but I want to try to at least get some of their stuff in if I can. Starting with the March update though, they'll hopefully be producing large amounts of side content, freeing me up to focus on requests, story content, and mechanics/engine stuff. I'll still produce some side content here and there, though.

I may ask them each to write up some a post introducing themselves to you all. Let me know if you'd be interested in something like that as patron-exclusive content.

Anyway, expect some more info on the February update soon. It should come out early in that month, but, as per normal, I'll settle on a date and announce it in the update preview toward the end of this month. Like the Homestead update, this one will be more focused on story content. Chapter 2 will be a bit shorter than Chapter 1, so I hope to maybe get it done in two updates, with a third update focused on side content before diving into Chapter 3.


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