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I'm currently working on v0.2.0, as you'd probably expect. Toward the end of next week, maybe the weekend of the 22nd, I'll have an update preview that will go over some of the major content additions and changes coming in the next version. That post will also have the release date; the content will remain exclusive to patrons for at least one week after release. Right now, I expect the update to come either at the end of this month, or the very beginning of next month.

(Note that the issue tracker is using the date September 10th for the v0.2.0 milestone; this is just a placeholder date. I expect the update to come to patrons sometime the first week of next month at the latest.)

 As far as what's going to be in the next update, I'll leave the details to the upcoming preview post, but in general terms, this and every monthly content update will include:

  • New story and side content. In other words, significant unique content that you'll play through just once.
  • New events, scenes, and/or actions and activities. In other words, significant repeatable content that is both totally new and added on to what came before.
  • New potions, perks, traits, and character progression options. These are sort of the "no duh" things you'd probably expect to see, but I hope to even be able to update old content (especially the repeatable content) with new options and routes by adding these new progression opportunities into the mix.

As I've said several times over, for the time being, I will be sticking to a roughly monthly update schedule. ("Roughly" only because each update will come out around the end or beginning of a month rather than a specific day each month.) While a more frequent update schedule is preferred by some, I think this slower pace of updates fits better with how I work. 

Typically, I write a large volume of content, or implement an entire system, and then I spend time iterating on it and editing it. I have found this harder to do in shorter chunks of time, in the sense that I accomplish less. For example, the content I'd be able to generate in one monthly update is generally more than the amount I'd be able to generate in four weekly updates.

That said, I am not opposed to switching to more frequent, less substantial updates if there is a consensus among my patrons that that's for the best. There is something to be said for getting content more often even if it's netting less in the long run. I'll revisit the frequency of updates in a few months once we've all had a few updates under our belts and we all have a better sense of the pace we're moving.

As always, thanks for reading! And thanks so much to those who have pledged their support to this project! More patron-only content will be coming soon.


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