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I'm probably not going to smash the go public button on this one, but I needed to get this out of my system. I might update it further, might take it down, who knows, let's find out.


Dan JS 03

Written and performed by Dan Olson



I appreciate the use of the term "fabulist". I might start using that myself--allows me to say what I would mean by calling someone a pathological liar without the armchair diagnosis that carries. After all, it doesn't matter why they're always lying, just that they are, in fact, always lying


I'm definitely thinking, at the very least, the parts where you talk about experiences making films (particularly in Canada) and thus explaining why JS is full of crap can be its own video. That is a unique perspective most of the people doing "measured responses" don't have.

Mary Cagle

I do really hope you make this public! I'm not sure if someone else has mentioned it, but the one thing I noticed was that James seems to say the actual reason Final Girl got scrapped was because Nick read the script and had to break it to him that it was just, utter shit. He apparently wanted to tell him in person specifically?? I guess it's possible Nick just noticed the logistics were all wrong, but it was way funnier to me that apparently the attempt was just so Bad it had to be scrapped entirely, and that wasn't any kind of sign to James of how doable this was.


I imagine that was a lot of their scripts for their shorts & features, they just weren’t that good, but they couldn’t just completely rip off from a book or other movie for something they wanted to take to Sundance or sell, cause they’d really be up a creek with lawsuits, so cancellations abound.

sliish 420

Liking your own comment is such a mood lmao

Deko Puma

I've been watching a few responses to the apology, and even people who are wholly against Somerton tend to phrase their responses in a way that gives James some tiny shred of doubt. "This is doesn't make sense, I think he might be making this up, but it's hard to say for certain." And it is very refreshing to come back to this and just see someone say "No, that didn't happen. He is a liar, and he's lying right now."

Travis Cofer

fixing the aspect ratio is diabolical shade XD

Gregor Samsa

I'm seconding Mickey Looney here. I heard about this video on reddit and came here to track it down, becoming a patreon in the process. I think this would be important to have public, given both recent events and what he put Jessie through.

lara himme

Live your life as if you know Dan is working on a video about you.

Lydia Fletcher

Rewatching this in light of the James Rolfe video ("he doesn't want to make films, he wants to be a filmmaker... he has nothing to say" and "you're not a filmmaker either" specifically) really giving me an existential crisis about my ability to be creative (writing short stories, in my case) 🥲


I just can't get past how he once again emphasised how "Nik had to take over the writing entirely." It really makes HBomb's theory that he was trying to set Nik up for the fall if he got caught.