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Thanks to everyone who came out to see Mikey and I at PAX, it was a lovely time!

We've made some pretty substantial changes to the video based on feedback and we're hoping that this improves flow and legibility. There's still a lot of unfinished visuals, and basically I'm holding off on the last round of re-shoots and VO replacement until I've finished combing it over for errors so I can do them all at once.

But we're all feeling good over here at Folding Ideas and we're looking forward to the end of the road.



TIFA weekly 18 Sept 2023

Clickbait Title: Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: https://www.patreon.com/foldablehuman Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman



So much easier to understand!


This is great. As somebody peripherally aware of Apes, memestocks, etc... I found the previous edit really difficult to follow, and I'd say I'm much more informed on the topic than most regular folk who haven't thought about it at all since it was headline news in Jan 2021. The presentation of Heat Lamp early on as a key term to follow throughout the video was of significant help. In the earlier edit, it was just one more piece of jargon lost in the deluge of actual & imagined complexity. The explanation of the component conspiracy theories from around 0:30:00 is very clear. It is a shame to lose the "cascading nonsense" line from the previous cut, but Dan's hilarious delivery of "what are you doing, why are you here?" at 0:33:15 more than makes up for it. As another commenter mentioned, there's an odd repetition of "conspicuously absent until this point" for both DFV & RC. It feels like it's leading to a punchline which never comes. I miss the cut from the previous edit from "the worst possible way" to Dan-in-a-field saying "the usual way". It fits in less neatly with this overall edit which has a lot less field time, but it is still very funny. Watching both pre-release cuts with such a critical eye has done more for my appreciation of video editing as an art than anything since the Suicide Squad video. Great work, can't wait for the final release.


Hope you said hi to Dunkey @ PAX. He's hella rad


So, the top of Crystal's head is out of frame from 9:55:11-11:22:00. I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, but it looks weird.


At 1:05:07, there's an odd cut. Blink and you'll miss it.


1:28:41, the microphone kind fails to pick up the word "never."

With Quiet Eyes

One suggestion, if you re-edit anyway: it took me an embarassingly long time to figure out what "bake" means in context, so it might be nice on the vocab sheet (which I really appreciated)

Carl Shelton

The Cohen Saga Continues, and the Foldables get more work to do. https://www.reuters.com/technology/gamestop-names-billionaire-ryan-cohen-ceo-2023-09-28/ I'm excited for the finished version, its been interesting to see the changes between drafts!