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Hey everybody, it's finally here!

This is... well, it's a lot. It was very stressful to make, took way longer than anticipated, and releasing it makes me super nervous, I get a bit vulnerable in places, but I guess here we are.

Captions are still being worked on, but should be done by the time it goes public.

Barring any technical errors or egregious mistakes that would necessitate major changes, this is the link that should go live tomorrow, so, um, well, please enjoy. Or whatever emotion best suits the subject matter.


The Problem With NFTs

Sources and Further Reading https://web3isgoinggreat.com/ https://tante.cc/2021/12/17/the-third-web/ https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2021/03/11/nfts-crypto-grifters-try-to-scam-artists-again/ https://amycastor.com/2021/03/14/metakovan-the-mystery-beeple-art-buyer-and-his-nft-defi-scheme/ https://www.stephendiehl.com/blog/crypto-absurd.html https://blog.mollywhite.net/blockchains-are-not-what-they-say/ https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/11/who-goes-crypto-eth-bitcoin-etc-financialization-gamestop-class-wealth/ https://twitter.com/davetroy/status/1478017698676228099?s=20 https://davidgolumbia.medium.com/cryptocurrency-is-garbage-so-is-blockchain-3e80078e77fe https://marker.medium.com/fintech-is-a-scam-a-listicle-in-eight-parts-7b6161f3a35a https://naavik.co/business-breakdowns/axie-infinity/#axie-decon= https://www.gawker.com/culture/the-future-is-useless-expensive https://twitter.com/NFTtheft https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/04/nfts-werent-supposed-end-like/618488/ https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2021-11-05-baseless-nft-hype-hits-a-crescendo-but-its-play-to-earn-thats-worth-watching-opinion https://www.technollama.co.uk/platform-is-law-the-cautionary-tale-of-stolen-nfts https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2021/02/12/libra-shrugged-chapter-6-banking-the-unbanked/ https://twitter.com/Bitfinexed Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: https://www.patreon.com/foldablehuman Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman 00:00:00 Preface 00:01:12 0. In 2008 The Economy Collapsed 00:07:09 1. Bitcoin 00:18:18 2. Ethereum 00:24:34 3. The Machine 00:39:07 4. NFTs Exist To Get You To Buy Crypto 00:57:54 5. The Unbearable Cringe Of Crypto 01:11:46 6. A Self-Organizing High Control Group 01:16:57 7. Crypto Reality 01:25:36 8. There Is No Privacy On The Chain 01:32:52 9. If This "Looks Like Scam" Then Every NFT Room I'm In Looks Like Scam LOL 01:38:29 10. Play To Earn Exists To Get You To Buy Crypto 01:46:39 11. We're All Gonna Make It And By "We" I Mean "Us" Not You 01:56:08 12. DAOs Exist To Get You To Buy Crypto 02:13:21 13. I Know It's Rigged, But It's The Only Game In Town



Dan Olson for US Senate.

Tom (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-28 02:19:08 "releasing it makes me super nervous, I get a bit vulnerable in places, but I guess here we are" According to public stats on YouTube: one year after release, "Line Goes Up" is overwhelmingly the most popular video he's posted so far. (10M vs 3.6M for "Art & Editing of Suicide Squad" which is 6 years old.)
2023-01-31 01:57:32 "releasing it makes me super nervous, I get a bit vulnerable in places, but I guess here we are" According to public stats on YouTube: one year after release, "Line Goes Up" is overwhelmingly the most popular video he's posted so far. (10M vs 3.6M for "Art & Editing of Suicide Squad" which is 6 years old.)

"releasing it makes me super nervous, I get a bit vulnerable in places, but I guess here we are" According to public stats on YouTube: one year after release, "Line Goes Up" is overwhelmingly the most popular video he's posted so far. (10M vs 3.6M for "Art & Editing of Suicide Squad" which is 6 years old.)


WOOOOO so excited for this!

Quinn Freedman

So excited to watch this. Been waiting


Congrats on wrapping this up! Very much looking forward to watching it (saving it as an after-chores treat)!


Just starting the video, but that's a really nice sweater.


Yes Dan! Been looking forward to this for time


Oh hell yes


setting the bar high for best video of the year already, Dan


Congratulations on the big release!!!


Thank you Dan!


Gratz Dan!! Hope your rest after all that recording, editing, etc is satisfying as all hell.


Heck yeah! I've been looking forward to this one.

Jamin Shih

Oh my god, I am so excited.


My husband and I are so excited for this!!!


Well done getting it over the line! Looking forward to watching it this weekend.


That intro was somehow an even better primer on 2008 then all of the Big Short.


I’m so excited! Thank you!


Dan keeps getting better


40 minutes in, and it's already a banger video. Congrats!


Thanks for doing the work Dan!


perfect timing on the release with the twitter thing


You keep outdoing yourself every time, thank you for this Dan!

Daniel Floyd

It's silly the amount of delight I get from hearing the voices of creators I like reading various quotes. I'm enjoying this behemoth of a video immensely.


The second shot of Grey going into the river made me cackle.


Post-watch thoughts: absolutely incredible. Standing ovation. I really like how you added the bit where you tied in the theme of the 2008 crash at the end and made that analogy explicit. I hope you’re able to get some rest after this.


This is incredible - nice work.


Just adding to the congratulations. Been excited about this for months!

Echoes from Elsewhere

A masterful achievement of research, editing, animation, rhetoric, and bitter invective. The last 5 mins are incredible. Well done


This was wonderful, Dan. I learned a lot. Thanks for taking the time to research all this and share.

Patrick Grant

Oh god, I've been waiting for this eagerly but I have to go to bed, oh no


This is absolutely fantastic. You took on a truly intimidating amount of material and came out on top. Really well explained, really well argued. The graphics and animations are great. The Ahegao Alpacas are exactly as horrifying as they should be.


This was brilliant. Well researched, no bullshit. Great job!

Andrew Duck

This is a must watch for any and everyone that has felt alienated from family members in recent years from having to deal with the evangelism of said family members shilling uncritically for NFT’s.


So striking and insightful - as always. After finishing and getting the sense of the big picture, the first thing I wanted to do was watch it again and see how all the different threads were developed and linked together.

Quinn Freedman

I loved this! A small point that really stood out was when you talked about technical complexity as a barrier to entry and a force for the consolidation of power. As a software engineer, I spend a week and a half of skilled labor making a little alert pop up sometimes -- something that would have taken me 10 seconds in 2004 -- because our product is built on top of so many levels of technological complexity, which it needs to be in order to interact with all the other complex system out there. You are right in your assessment that this rise in complexity is what gave power to services like WordPress and later platforms like Facebook/Instagram. The exact same thing is happening in crypto, except we skipped all the way to just one step before endgame. The blockchains are so slow/expensive and also technically complex that 99% of the population can only interact with them through middlemen -- both technical and financial. These third parties are becoming the AWS of crypto. Even if the blockchain is decentralized, access to it isn't, and will only continue to get less so.


I've now finished a slow (lots of pauses to read text) watch-through and ... sustained applause at your conclusion. This is the response to cryptocurrency that I needed to see, the reaction that I'm relieved to see somebody else share and articulate far more clearly than I ever could. Thank you.


Really incredible stuff Dan. This easily some of your best work.


If you told me a few years ago that I would have spent months excited for the release of a feature length examination of crappy jpegs, I wouldn’t have believed it. Yet here we are.


Enjoyed this immensely. Thank you for putting words and analysis to my vague feelings of dread when I see crypto bros doing their thing.


I watched you editing chunks of this monster of a video on twitch, and I still can't believe how long it is. It's all a strong treatise on the gelatinous horror cube the tech industry has given birth to, that many of us will wind up having to deal with in some grotesque form or another at some future date. I genuinely hope it helps people when they're faced with the reality-defying crypto evangelist in their lives.


I've been waiting for this video for months. There goes my sleep schedule and honestly, there's nothing I'd rather throw it away for.


This is amazing work. It's given me a much better idea of what crypto is all about. The image you paint of a world where getting into crypto tokens is as necessary as getting into social media is pretty scary. I hope the bubble pops before more people get hurt.


I don't think I ever mentioned during the work streams but that opening montage gives me heavy Jim Henson's Time Piece vibes which is always a good thing


Holy sh*t Dan. I honestly am so happy to give you money every month. Truly. I hope you have a GREAT day and enjoy some leisure time after the absolute monster of a video you made. Can't wait to watch it 20 more times over the next two weeks.


Finally decided to subscribe to your Patreon because I didn't want to wait for this one.


Well that was a harrowing watch. I feel like I aged one hundred years and turned to dust. Truly I understand what it is to gaze into the Torment Nexus. Thank you for your service. I hope you have something light and fun and not actually psychologically harmful to think about lined up for your next project, because if you're anything like me then keeping the technology and practices of NFT aficionados in your brain for more than a few minutes at a time causes physiological distress.

Jamin Shih

Incredible work.


Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!!


Wow this is some exceptional work. Your ability to explain complex topics in a digestible way is really impressive. Good work!

Echoes from Elsewhere

So... will this video crash some NFT markets or are people in NFT far too resilient to skepticism for this to cause much of an impact?


Ahhh I'm excited to watch this!

Liz Jackson

Finally, after 14 years, I understand the 2008 financial crash. Thanks, Dan!


Great work!

James Rule

George Orwell was an optimist.


This is fantastic! Well worth becoming a patron to see this early!


Honestly and genuinely, a remarkable piece of work. I didn't think you'd ever top In Search of a Flat Earth (not a criticism - that watermark is high enough to contain a lot of "brilliant" below it), but this is exceptional.


Twitter just added NFT verification to their pfps, this timing is impeccable

Alistair Struck

Brilliant work. You should be proud of this definitive guide to NFTs.


Absolutely fantastic. The clarity you achieve despite the density of content is a thing of beauty (even if the content itself is a horror story).


I'm a software engineer and I've watched as a lot of my community-- but especially the tech-curious but not literate, and the tech-literate but finance-illiterate-- have become obsessed with bitcoin, etherium, coinmonks and more. It's like a cult. This feels like a breath of fresh air.


This helped me understand these concepts more as I barely understood it before your video. I absolutely want nothing to do with this stuff even more now.


Holy shit, this is fantastic.

Quinn Freedman

Another thought --- I think it's obvious to anyone with half a brain that the crypto world is currently full of scams and ugly art. But what this video illustrated for me better than anything else I've seen is that even the best case scenario -- the decentralized future these evangelists are hoping for -- is, itself, pretty horrific.


Fuck yes, Dan, this is great. Fantastic work, thanks, and congrats!


I remember seeing him put out feelers for someone being able to ape (nyuk nyuk) the NFT Art Style on short notice and spent the entire video trying to suss out which ones were real and which were parody. The Alpacas seemed like the most likely suspect but I would be 0% surprised if they were not.

DK Jones

Anyone else get an ad to "build your own crypto empire with Gemini"?

Echoes from Elsewhere

Why is crypto crashing around the time this video was uploaded?


Wow, that felt cathartic! Thank you!


Thank you for this.


This video is magnificent. I feel like I actually understand this shit now.


It's fantastic! I don't know how you do it every time. I work in software and was aware of how much of a bigger fool grift it all is, but seeing it all laid out like this is both validating and scary.


Great analysis, Dan. Mission accomplished: I'm angrier and more informed than before I watched this video.



Jeff Good

Incredible work. I didn't think a video this long could feel so succinct and focused. It all builds to a clear conclusion. Given that these people seem to have not experienced the Gold Farmer days of WoW, I'm sure many viewers won't know what "Scrip" means. That could warrant a whole video to itself. Thank you for your service, sir.


Dan, you have no idea who the hell I am, and that's entirely OK. But you just saved me hours and hours from composing a video like this to give this level of explanation - and for that you have my undying gratitude.


Seminal stuff, yet again an authoritative and illuminating voice on an inherently obfuscating issue


Thank you for the work you do. The writing and production quality are incredible. I hope you're enjoying a well deserved break for the next few days!


Amazing video. Well done

Patrick Gallagher

This is really exceptional work. I have no idea how much time it took to make this, especially given how many reshoots you would have had to do to include the very stupid things that kept happening since the first time you said the video would be finished soon, but it has paid off. Trying to explain all of the problems with a system that is flawed on every level all the way down and sometimes on purpose is so overwhelming, and being able to just refer someone to a completed version of that is genuinely reassuring.


I feel like when I look around at the world everyone is calm and It all seems crazy to me. Thank you for letting me feel sane, if still terrified. Also I had to pause when you virtually threw gray in the river again to finish my hard snort laughing fit.


This is one of the best-thought-out, most well-prepared and well-presented analyses I've ever seen of anything, in any domain. I'm not exaggerating in the slightest. It should be loaded onto some sort of weird self-playing TV and put on the shelf next to Walter Benjamin. It's hilarious, clear, insightful, comprehensive, careful yet light on its feet, and (would that it weren't) politically vital, perched as we are at the edge of the New Shittening that is "Web 3." It's so damn good, Dan. Congratulations.


I just watched a 2-hour video of a guy talking at me and it was riveting, one of the greatest documentaries I have ever seen. The research, the conceptual work, the sheer eloquence of this are dumbfounding. It will overwhelm a lot of people, but that doesn't matter; much of that audience isn't reachable and for those who are, there will be other opportunities. Bravo, Dan. I've watched every YouTube video you've made since 2011: this is your masterpiece.

walt m

became a patron because of this video. thanks!


Same! Dan, thank you for you, you are talented in ways I aspire. Stonks content. I love you. GM/GN.


This video made me a patron. Thank you for bringing to life all the ideas that I'm not talented enough to express!


This was just… unbelievably good. I have gotten several other people to watch it already, and I plan to watch again with friends once I’ve finished digesting my first run-through. Dan, your videos are always some of my favorites on any platform and frequent rewatches for their thought provoking content but this… was just next-level. I did not realize how dangerously unaware I was about this. We needed this out there, we needed someone to do the research and put it to us plainly and be willing to take the time to research and present in a way that is organized, clear, cogent, and unapologetically direct, and although I know this project has been a tremendous amount of work for you, I am so thankful you took this on.


I get so excited every time you upload, especially ever since the Flat Earth / Qanon video debuted. Given the quality of the work, I am happy to wait however long it takes in between uploads. Even if I can't contribute much, I'm proud to support.

Michael Chui

Oh for the days when RMT was our biggest problem. Those were better days indeed.

Michael Chui

Holy crap, every minute of that was packed with quality. It's never occurred to me to link the NFT stuff back to the 2008 bubble, but of course it makes sense to. Bravo and extremely well done, sir.

Andrey Kurenkov

I have now finished watching the video, and I just want to say it is truly fantastic. It's a hard watch that is well worth watching, and I am thankful you put what is clearly an incredible amount of work into producing this. I am a tech person who already understood many of the technical limitations of crypto, and therefore that there is no feasible way for them to actually be useful (but I bought in anyway, because hey might as well ride the wave). But your analysis of not just the technical design flaws but also the implied outcomes in terms of power are incredibly insightful. So I hope you feel all the work was worth it, because what you produced here is incredible.


A phenomenal piece of culture criticism. But more that also just great reporting. The link to the financial crisis of '08 is not coincidental. I got a similar feeling watching this as I did listening to "The Giant Pool of Money" or reading Michael Lewis' work back then. Brilliant work.

5099 5618

And then the moment comes when an artist you like drops not a new single but an entire concept album, right before the weekend starts...


Like many others in these comments, I found you through this video. I'm in awe of the thoroughness of the research and the quality of the writing. There's not many two hour videos that I would watch from beginning to end, but you captured my attention throughout.


This is the first explanation of crypto/NFTs that I've been able to understand whatsoever! You really have a talent for breaking down complicated and confusing concepts into terms that are accessible and easy to understand. So, sincerely thank you for that - I've tried and failed to understand crypto so many times before this. But also, holy hell, it's so much worse than I imagined.


Exceptional work, made me a patron. I've always liked your videos but this was next level (although I obviously don't expect every video to be this long!).

Mel Vitta

There are so many deep cut computer gamer nerd jokes in this video, like "horse armor" or "steam trading cards" that just made me laugh out loud.


This is absolutely fantastic work, on par with or surpassing "In Search of a Flat Earth". You have an incredible talent for understanding incredibly complex technical, AND social topics and synthesizing a narrative that offers remarkable clarity, context, and depth. Then you somehow manage to film and edit all that to boot. Your shift from film criticism to tackling some of the deepest, most complex, and most troubling challenges humanity has ever faced has been an unexpected and welcome turn. I've been trying to explain bits of this to my brother, who is active in crypto communities. This is much better at laying out these issues (including ones I hadn't thought of) than I have been. The blunt assessment of everyone involved, including community members, means he'd likely not be receptive...but he's also not the audience. Your direct, zero-bullshit approach is refreshing, and the only way to actually assess these spaces intentionally filled with noise. Rather than being a video for my brother to learn from, it actually gave *me* more perspective on *him* and what he's going through.


This is getting a lot of attention and for sure not all attention is going to be positive, but it's all still a testament to the amazing work you've done. It's also been pretty cool to watch you edit this on Twitch :) thanks for all the content you make, Dan.

Darren Reid

Became a patron because of this video. Thank you for making and sharing it. It has been frustrating seeing friends, family members, associates shilling crypto and related tech. Part of that frustration was trying to penetrate the complexity of the mechanics involved. I’m a software developer by trade but the financial instruments/patterns were and largely still are foreign to me. Pulling all the threads together in such a long video must have been gruelling, but hugely appreciated. 🙏


Just joined as a patreon after watching this video. I've watched a bunch of Dan's videos before this, but this one was a tour de force. Really impressive stuff and you have every reason to be proud. Well researched and referenced. I can't even begin to comprehend the work that went into a project of this size but you've nailed it.


Brilliant work Dan! I’ve tangentially been aware of crypto and NFTs through other producers like Coffeezilla but detailing the history behind it and the world state that the most powerful of proponents want to see was a great education. Thanks so much for your efforts in pulling together such a huge piece of work.


Thank you, Dan. That was really well done.


First time seeing your work, and I actually watched the whole thing. Liked, subscribed, and became a patron because of this masterpiece. Based and dare I say cryptopilled.


Thank you. It's hard to watch - because it shows the world as it is (the quality is great). But I needed to watch it


I had to become a patron after this. thank you for all the countless hours you spent on this. I am so glad i have a reason to have an opinion for what seems to be sweeping around me.


Like a lot of other commenters I became a patron because of this video. Thank you for the amazing research and technical accuracy.


I never watch long form YouTube, but I watched this avidly, then recommended it on all my socials, and will remain a patron for a while until I feel I've paid you a fair price.


Increased my pledge after this video. Always loved your videos and God damnit you need to keep doing what you do. As someone with an IT background, this was so well researched, but you also framed Blockchain against the global recession which I never really thought about. Excellent video

Cat Herder

I joined the patreon because I feel you need to be compensated fairly for the amount of work this must've taken. I will try and spread this around to the best of my ability, thank you so much for the amount of information and presenting it as succinctly as possible.

Tom Dunbar

I became a patreon because this video was so fantastically researched and information dense. After watching it last night, this morning while eating my breakfast cereal, I noticed an ad on the milk jug for a chance to win a "signature NFT"... no thanks...


I am not through the video yet. And its already much more informative than any other I've found. You may have a new magnum opus.


I loved your flat earth video, and this new video is the reason I'm now a patron. Incredible, essential work. I really admire how talented you are at presenting information in a concise and intelligent way. Thank you for all this hard work, and good luck for whatever comes next!


Fantastic. Honestly this has so much content in it. I want to extra thank you for putting in subtitles.

Dean Herbert

i'm only half way through and already decided to patreon you up. amazing work, amazing research and coverage of everything in such a succinct way.


This is the context I needed. NFTs are obscured by so many layers of technical jargon and propaganda that understanding them well enough to meaningfully denounce them has been difficult.


I have been opening a conversation about this and I admit, I’ve been trying to find some way that this technology could in fact be empowered to increase equity and access for people who were left out of web 2.0. This video makes that seem unlikely, but it also feels depressing that the entrenchment of power can just happen because the people with money and power can lead the tech world over the cliff. Maybe it will burn itself out without any intervention- but if not, what can we do to offer alternatives?


This was a great video essay in form and content. In my opinion, the genuine vulnerability is a feature rather than a bug. Kudos!


Mate. I saw a 2h+ video pop up on my subscriptions feed, instantly cancelled my evening to watch it, then realised that I should have joined your Patreon years ago. Thank you making such thorough, thought-provoking videos for us to engage with. Moreso in this case specifically, finally helping me to understand this ubiquitous yet maddeningly opaque behemoth that I've repeatedly failed to grasp.


I have to say that the video is... scary. Just scary. I was already familiar with most of the details as independent ideas, but having them tied together really shows that the future cryptobros want is a future we might actually get, and that is a worse future than what we have now (which is already bad).


Excellent work.


Came straight here after watching this video. Insightful analysis and informative explanation combined, really enjoyed it, especially as related to the abuse of working class people the gig economy has become.


This video is a masterpiece! Thank you so much for this, Dan. For months and years I have been troubled by the impression that the is no exposure or traction for good analysis of our political dilemma and you have proven that it can be done.


I joined Patreon after watching this on Youtube. I work in tech and for years have struggled to enumerate precisely what's wrong about crypto and have lost many arguments (and friendships!) because of it. Thank you for this incredibly well-reasoned and accessible piece. Work like this is sorely needed.


I've subscribed after watching this today, between this and the flat earth video, they are the best YouTube videos I've watched, genuinely incredible insight and explanation. Something that has emerged in the UK in the last week is kinda related,if you're interested. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/jan/26/premier-league-and-uefa-taking-legal-advice-over-john-terrys-nft-ape-tweets This is a case of a former player/legend of a football club possibly running up against the copyright of his former club and the competitions he took part in. He also recently joined twitter (seemingly for this purpose) so there is speculation if someone is pushing him behind the scenes. Anyway, loved the video, thanks!

William Cooper

Another absolute triumph. Thanks so much for such incredible work--it was such a delight to watch.


Such a great video! Also congrats on 2.5M views in only 5 days, very well deserved


Beautifully structured and presented. Inspiring work!

Marissa Collins

Seconded! My husband is Deaf and so many of the video essays I adore are inaccessible to him.


I was introduced to your YouTube channel when my son, a software engineer and principal at his firm, forwarded your show on NFTs with the comment, "It's long, but I know you will appreciate this". So, I watched the video in two sittings after which I called my son and we had a long conversation as he explained some of the more arcane areas of technology to me. After which, I subscribed to your channel, have been almost binge watching your videos and discovered your Patreon page. Happy to be on board.

user no. g_{64}

Absolutely brilliant work! I just had to up my contribution after this stunning piece of documentary filmmaking! I don't know if this wil mean anything to you, but over here in Europe this video could easily run on ARTE, at prime time! You raise the level for all of YouTube, Dan!


delighted to see it's now the most viewed video on his channel


This is a truly masterful piece of work. Timely and hard-hitting, it's far more than enough to bring me humbly to your direct support. I wish I had discovered your channel sooner. I know that this video is not your regular fare, and I respect that, for a variety of reasons, you may not produce anything quite like it again. I also know that it can feel like a lot of pressure, to which I do not intend to contribute, but I want to tell you: This kind of socioeconomic criticism, based on absolutely comprehensive research and centered around a comprehensible narrative, is what the world needs right now. We are in a time of unprecedented exploitation and alienation; at a crossroads for economy, society, and environment; and we need voices like yours to help clarify complex topics and to contextualize them in their material human impacts. I know your focus is art, and there are others whose focus is more direct. But you demonstrate here a monumental tour de force, the capability to render a truly humanist perspective on an almost incomprehensibly complex topic in an accessible and engaging presentation. We need your help to remind and to convince people that there is a better path forward, for all of us, together, if we focus on the material conditions, needs, and aspirations of the majority.


Hi - Since you singled out Camila, why don’t you make an appearance on her team’s podcast - here is their reply, https://youtu.be/LbC_EuvBnAw


I would love to add subtitles in my language to make it accessible to non English speakers. This video is super important and there aren't many critical resources like this available in other languages. Does anyone know Dan's stance on people adding subtitles to his videos? (full disclosure: I am not a professional translator, nor am I posturing as one. Just an interested individual willing to donate my time)


This video inspired me to finally subscribed here!


This is the first video i have seen from you and i am very inspired by the way you analyze different topics. Keep up the good work, i love it!


Amazing video, was the first thing I've seen of yours. I was blown away by the production value and articulate explanations. Keep making great content!


Thank you for making this! I'm a web developer and this video really made me feel sane after a few years of feeling like I'm "taking crazy pills" witnessing the ascent of "crypto" against all logic and good sense.


Great Stuff. Really loved the video, and nice to get some independent thoughts confirming what i thought, but going so much deeper. Great work Dan. Keep it up :)

Mike Lee

This vid was my introduction to your work. 2h18m, and I was gripped the whole time.


Been a subscriber for a while, I have upgraded to patron. I think what ties it together is the earnest emotion of cold rage and contempt that bubble beneath the surface before that last 5 minutes just blows it open. Watched the whole thing twice now.


Amazing. I knew I hated NFTs but I had no idea how much I should be hating NFTs. This video got me to sub to your patreon. The only downside of it being 2 hours is I've yet to convince my friends and family to watch it. If I could just get youtube to lie about the length for the first 5 minutes, I'm pretty sure they'd be hooked for the remaining 2 hours...


From the tone of this patron post I get the impression that Dan isn't enthused to further debate NFT's - I can imagine that he's said all he wants to in that hour-long video


Can anyone tell me if the video has always been 2:18:23 long? I could've sworn the runtime was different at one point, but maybe I'm tripping.

Quinton Ashley

Incredible video! I especially enjoyed the psychological analysis of NFT and cryptobro groups. Just subscribed to you on Patreon.