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EDIT: lol, I forgot to export the audio

This is a lot less finished than normal, but believe it or not this is also over the hump. Still a lot of work to do, but all the black will fill in pretty quickly over a couple days.

On the whole I would estimate another week or two of work to do. At this point might as well make it super polished, ya know?


Bakshi and the Ring Draft 01 MIX

Clickbait Title: Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: https://www.patreon.com/foldablehuman Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman



No audio on my end. :(


Not sure if this is just my issue but I'm not hearing any audio for the video?


No audio on my end either


No audio here either!


I'm just going to make my own audio track for this one


I can't believe Dan is confessing to being a foot sniffer.


audio problems for me too


Is this a video on the Sound of Silence?


Audio works now, thanks :)


It's a bit refreshing to hear "coked out pervert from Brooklyn" and not think of a former world leader.

Jamin Shih

Holy shit I am so pumped for this.

James Rule

Can an adaptation of Lord of the Ring be considered truly complete without the inclusion of Tom Bombadil?


well now i am also curious about what bakshi thinks happens on the simpsons lol. really though it was fun to go from my history of animation lecture on his early filmography to this video, great work as always!

All-Natural Fig Jam

After your evisceration of The Wall, it's really nice to see the gentleness with which you talk about the filmmakers here. Thanks for remaining balanced.


I think my favorite Bakshi movie is Fire and Ice, though that's just because I'm such a HUGE Frank Frazetta fan.


this was great to listen to. i look forward to the final version with all the visuals! one minor thing i noticed was when talking about the budget for fritz the cat, around 10:30 you stated "a budget of somewhere between 700 and 1.3 million". i understood from context that this means 700 thousand, but i think "between 700 thousand and 1.3 million" would sound a lot cleaner. i really appreciate the effort and detail that goes into these videos. thank you, dan


I had no idea who Bakshi was, so my first introduction was "coked out pervert from Brooklyn"


One small question. Is it just an accent thing, or my stupid ears playing tricks on me, or do you call Gandalf Gandaf (without pronouncing the L) throughout the video?


After hearing several more people say it the same way, I have come to a conclusion that it's either an accent thing or very small and insignificant speech impediment type of thing. Either way, it doesn't matter

Sata Prescott

Thrilling to get to see this... retrospective? of Bakshi. He's been my "obscure fave" for a long while. Thank you for a slow, thoughtful, context heavy thing! Ending is gorgeous!

Alistair Struck

Every sentence makes me stop to learn more about the wild trip that was Bakshi's life and works. It's so fascinating that it transforms cultural/personal context into substance. What I'm saying is that I understand why this project ballooned in scale. While "Fritz the Cat bloodily cut against the animation zeitgeist" is true, it's insufficient to convey just how iconoclastic it is.


Dan keeps serving us HITS! I wish I had something to add to the conversation beyond that but I don't. Just stuff like this that makes me glad I pay for Dan and not for cable.