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This box is your blank canvas. Have fun!

Honestly this probably maybe would have been done a few weeks ago if my cat hadn't bit my arm while giving her an extremely necessary bath, resulting in an infected puncture wound that already set me back before, you know, that thing that happened at the beginning of the month, devouring all productivity.

There's some small changes I'd like to make to this, but also I feel like this version is done enough I could change it to a release version and not feel like I really missed an opportunity, so this is your chance to catch a critical flaw and teach me the error of my hubris.

Basically I'd like to do more work on the sound mix and I think the interstitial titles could use a smidge more polish.


Unnamed Geocentrism Video Opt Draft 02

Clickbait Title: Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: https://www.patreon.com/foldablehuman Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman



Date on screen do not match your speech at 20:53 (1956 instead of 1965) was that the critical flaw you wanted us to find? Also, killer shirt, love it. Also also... Damn, that cat scratch looks painful.


That ending sent me into ✨orbit✨


Ah, I literally just came here to give the exact same piece of feedback. Glad somebody else caught it too. Ace work, as always, Dan! Glad to be a subcriber after a good few years of quiet fandom.


At 3:51, you call the supermassive object at the center of our galaxy "Sagittarius A", but the object is actually named "Sagittarius A-star" (written "Sagittarius A*").


Regardless, this video is wonderful. Keep up the great work :)


Perfect ending to this video.


I really really enjoyed this. Your arguments are well-laid and you don’t give extra credence to the stupid theories beyond explaining what they are. Also, “married to the sea” slayed me for like a minute, dunno why it hit so hard


I'm really loving the thing where instead of just addressing the weird beliefs you dig into who they are and what _else_ they believe. That context seemed to always missing from debunking content in the past - e.g. like yeah, the heliocentric model is wrong, but also, these people low key support the death penalty for homosexuality. You've opened my eyes to how much this stuff is a package deal and not just a single kooky belief, which is so important, as much as I also love the standard science based debunkings.


Also the ending ♥️ I yelled at the TV.


28:24 “...long before you could even make it *illegal* to execute gay people” I THINK you may have meant to say “legal” here, but maybe I misunderstood what you were saying. Otherwise a top notch video 😘👌


How is your interviewer? Is it a framing device or were you actually interviewed (what was the occasion, who interviewed you)?

Jamin Shih

Excellent as always


LOVE the shirt, ADORE the ending! <3

Matthew Morris

Correction: Mercury is genderfluid. They might still be straight while in any given gender. But I have it on good authority they're liminal in nature.

Connor Hennessey

FYI there is a typo at about 20:43. You out 1956 instead of 1965.


Uranus always was my favorite planet


Loved it. Unless you've heard the Chalcedon people pronounce the name that way, I suspect it's pronounced the same way as the town in modern-day Turkey, which is generally pronounced by English speakers as "Kal-see-duhn"


It's so minor I'm hesitant to even mention it, but at 27:24 you read the quote as "God as the proper standard *of* morality," but the quote reads "God as the proper standard *for* morality". Anyways, the video was majestic as always, and I was absolutely delighted by it :D


The times have been tough. But these last two videos were a great analytical work. So I want to support it. Even if just a bit.


SUCKS about the bite!! cat bites are notorious for getting badly infected fast. I'm assuming you know this now lol but always go to emerg immediately for antibiotics if you get bitten by a cat. they're way worse than dog bites - something about their teeth puncturing deeper and their mouths being dirtier? I hope your arm is all healed and feeling normal now!


Quite enjoy the recent videos, hoping we won't stay in the pseudo-science lane forever, but in the times we're in, it does provide grist for the mill of how belief has been weaponized to horrifying effect. Appreciate the insights.


Dogs' mouths are surprisingly clean all things considered. According to Wikipedia: "Indeed, a dog's saliva is bactericidal against the bacteria Escherichia coli and Streptococcus canis, although not against coagulase-positive Staphylococcus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa." That being said, if you get bit by a dog, make sure your tetanus shots are up to date.


Watched this video and the "In Search of a Flat Earth" video, and I'm very impressed with the breadth of the research and the precision of the rhetoric. There are people who identify as "experts on radical online subcultures" who don't produce work half as rigorous and accurate as this. Nicely done.