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I finally saw Civil War and had some thoughts


Civil War Vlog

Clickbait Title: Written and performed by Dan Olson Crowdfunding: https://www.patreon.com/foldablehuman Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoldableHuman



So, Mariana of The Morbid Zoo posted a similar stream of consciousness review of the film but seemed to come to some very different conclusions about it. I'd be fascinated to hear your thoughts about her interpretation of the film.

Michael Chui

Yeah, I basically agree but I read a bit less cynicism into it. Specifically, it feels to me that Garland had a question he wanted to ask, "what's the point of war journalism?" and he didn't actually have an *answer*. Which is a bit of pointless deconstruction that ends up being a Snyder-style attempt at sounding profound while having no substance. And I don't think the film had substance. I did like it, though, because it made me think about the question he posed and I think that the question is worth thinking about, but I also have no answer. I think the problem of desensitization (both of soldiers and the war journalists) is a real one and I'm not sure what there is to do about it. So ultimately, I find it hard not to respect the asking of a difficult question, and ultimately I like the film for it. I do not think he's trying to say anything about soldiers or war or politics or whatever; they're just necessary props if you're going to talk about the people taking pictures of them. (And there's something to be said about the reporter who died by trying to play action hero, too.) I really loved the entire ending sequence, too. Not for the cool explosions or whatever, but because it was such a fantastically well-put-together climax and flashpoint of the film's question. From "Reporters are moving out." to the ending picture.