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Hey hey! I'm so so so sorry I haven't been around lately.

Here's next episode! 

Leo is just finding out about where Sasha is. Is he angry? Jealous? Poor Pia couldn't say it in a nicer way lolol Gwen's definetly gonna have a talk with her about that. 



Nooooo don't be sorry!!! I hope you've been having a lot of fun this month and that it hasn't been too chaotic <3 Pia without filter is my favorite thing honestly ajajaja. She just calls it how she sees it, but Gwen is used to it and low-key it's like she's unconsciously acknowledging the truth of it. Oooooh but Sasha would definitely shut Isabelle down if she tries to confess or ask him out. Hmmmm I could've sworn Leo knew already, but maybe he's a bit jealous?? Or even looking forward to seeing the photos that are being taken LOL


aramis was sick for TWO WEEKS, it was total chaos but we're all good and i'm baack 8-)