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HEY HEY! I've been so focused on re doing the first episodes I forgot I had this one ready to post T_T ahahah 

About the episode: oh my goooooodddd, Gwen's friends from school are there too! This is the first time Pia meet them. I feel like Pia would speak up if she sees them mistreating Gwwen somehow, like when they took Gwen's phone at the cafe.

Anyways, next episode must be ready this same week! i wish it was easier for me having a clearer schedule but i literally try to post as soon as it's ready.

New versions of episodes 2 & 3 are almost ready too! I'm soooo excited. 




I am so here for Gwen and Pia together 😍👏🏾 (platonic or romantic.)


Omgggg he got his moment!!! Leo was a bit too absorbed jajajajaja. OMgggg Pia is so right though she has the best taste because Gwen looks amazing!!! Ooooh but Pia is definitely going to have some words with her friends if they start acting up. I hope they can end the night at a positive note tho aaaaaa


Episode 200 is THE moment !!!!! I can’t wait to show u uwu