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oh my gOD this episode has SO MANY BACKGROUNDS. Im thinking about start using 3d bg because drawing everything takes SO LONGGG.

:) Date date date date.


Yuval CT

So… Leo and Sasha, Gwen and Pia? That's so wholesome 🙂


The backgrounds look AMAZING!!! But fr if you could save your hands a bit too that would be nice for you 🥺 I also love all of their outfits they have such cute styles!!! I hope everything goes well for the boys and that Gwen gets to have fun. Pia actually listens to her 😩😭😭


Gwen need better friends than the ones she has at school hehe Pía is a great option tbh xD


i always have so much fun drawing the backgrounds but omg it takes SO MUCH TIME. I wish it was easier lol also i love writing scenes with Gwen in them. she’s such an interesting character