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:0 conflicted Leo.




i always want to show Leo's mom's not like a BAD mom, you know. She cares about him, that's why she's the way she is with him. And she would never forget Leo's bday. Sasha is usually an amazing partner. And he knows Leo's got some stuff going on with his family, so he gets it.. that doesn't mean Sasha won't feel bad but thats like totally understandable heh. Chiara knows when Leo is not acting like the usual Leo, but she gets easily distracted lol She still would want to talk to him when they have time tho


Aaaaaw his mama decided to bring everything to him ;;; Oh Leo it's totally normal to feel conflicted when you want to spend time with the people you care about. I'm sure Sasha will understand, but they'll definitely need to talk about it. I hope he can enjoy what he has left in the day with his family. Chiara is totally gonna feel that something is going on. Maybe she'll say something to him?? Even if it's small, tiny siblings really do know how to cheer you up (most of the time pffft).