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I was looking for a pic I saved for reference years ago and instead I found pics I saved as Sasha vibes so I wanted to draw them and share with y’all cuz I find them hilarious.

I’ll share new preview from them next 2 episodes maybe tomorrow 🫣




SKFHKEHFDL I LOVE THESE SO MUCH. Sasha's energy is the best. I want to be his friend ahahaha

Aaron Carmichael

For some reason I can't reply to your reply... But yeah people just started not coming to work when they realized COVID relief paid pretty good and they could just stay at home all day, but I stayed since they offered double time on all my hours, and said I could bring my camper up so I don't have to drive home half asleep. Probably wasn't a healthy decision, but the extra cash paid for the down payment on the house I'm building on the weekends so I'd say it was worth it! Pro Tip: Pasta bags are also great if you pan fry some chicken breasts and cut it into like 1 inch cubes to mix into the pasta, adds a bit of protein and chicken is cheap 👌


patreon only allows one reply hehe. Oh wow, well definitely not the healthiest decision indeed but seems fair. If you have no problem with it, i don't see why not! I hope the extra cash was super helpful :3