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i'm obsessed w summer weather and rn is so freaking cold here -_-

also, we have a new banner!~ w this illustration. Hope u like it ;;<3



Poppy Jasper

I live the new banner super cute. I live in a desert climate, so it's hot and sunny almost all year around, though tomorrow they are predicting snow... we'll see. It hasn't snowed here for more than a year.. lol so im all for happy summer fun. 😊


woah that sounds good. I’ve never seen snow like in real life 😂 only in movies. Here in mexico is not common to see snow, at least where i live

Poppy Jasper

Oh cool you're in Mexico, nice, I'm in El Paso, next to Juarez. I moved here from Australia years ago and never saw any in Australia either. So it's weird that I saw my first snow here in the desert.. lol