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heyyyyy 2:32 am , i’m drinking mimosas and drawing 😌

every first day of the month some people leave patreon and i’ll always be happy to see not everyone is leaving lol

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, i really can’t say it enough.

I’m thinking about adding your names at the end of every episode, saying thank you. Would you like that ? Or is it too much ????

tell me what you think 🥰



Cailee Weyrick

I feel like a lot of creators mention the ppl who support them while first starting out. And I feel like its encouraging to others who are on the fence about supporting you when they see there is others who do. we appreciate you and your comic and it definitely shows your appreciation toward our support in a simple way. But that's just my thought process behind it. And I absolutely loved this. It was extremely cute. I absolutely love the characters.

Crispin Gram

Holy heck they look SO CUTE GENDERBENT!!!