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Merryl Martin

Its very salty but my family love it. It does come in vegan form actually i think it is vegan, if u do ever try it a very small amount with butter or nuttlex or what ever butter type you use it my kids love it on toast. Its cool that your a vegan a few friends at work are and i am enjoying figuring out how to make certain dessert vegan i have got baklava and macaroons sorted. I hope they gave you some good meds for the pain the last thing you need in recovery is to be sleep deprived ontop of hungry.


Suggestions from a friend of mine (another vegan) She really likes miso soup, but it doesn't have much to it caloricaly. Friend suggests to go with a vegan meal replacement shake or protein shake. There's a brand called Vega that actually tastes pretty good. You can mix their powders with water, or a milk replace. (My friend) used to mix the chocolate powder with almond milk and cold brew coffee in the mornings. They also have some that are shakes that you don't have to mix up.


once a i watched a video about making vegan macaroons but i’m too lazy to try it. I had to google what a blaklava is, omg it looks SO GOOD. I’m already at home ! And i can eat solid food now !! I’m getting so much better, it doesn’t hurt that much anymore and i’m so grateful for that. I slept so good last night. I’m felling great today.


i loveeeee miso soup 🥺 yesss !!! i bought a meal replacement shake. It’s from a mexican brand tho. It tastes weird at the beginning ahahhaa but it’s not bad. I’m mixing it with almond milk. And i’m eating a lot of fruits a vegetables. I’m feeling so much better! Seeing your comments here makes me SO HAPPY 🥺 💕 thank you so much. Also !! the doctor said i can eat solid food now, just nothing too greasy.