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Mackenzie (edited)

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2024-05-06 18:28:54 "He always looked normal" 😐
2024-04-05 21:42:45 "He always looked normal" 😐

"He always looked normal" 😐


Ay no Gwen's plan backfired ksjdkemd looks like things might blow up a bit sooner than I thought. The tension in her friend group feels stronger everytime they interact aaaaa 😫 also my heart always hurts for the boys, especially Leo, when he gets insecure or hurt by other people's homophobia. Makes me wanna fight whoever has anything mean to say about them 😤👊🏼💥💥💥 I feel like Leo might not say anything about it, but it's definitely going to hang over him aaaa. It's just hard when you're not comfortable or ready to be out, but I hope for now he's able to keep confiding in his friends