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The publishing process of this comic book about the fatal adventures of a fur chubby bear is published here. We add new pages as they become available. Follow this project in this post!

Author's Description

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Well, let’s get started! So meet – the first page of the comic book “In The Thumbscrews Of Jungle”. I remind you that the events take place on the evening of the same day when the main character was lured into a trap and knocked out with a injection in the neck. Meanwhile….

You will find out where he is and what happens to him later, but now, on the first page, let’s look around and try to understand the events taking place at the villa.

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What do we have? As you can see, some people have gathered in the villa waiting. You can notice that they are all from different parts of the world, but they are united by a certain passion. Some hunting of a particular type and this is not the first time.

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Mr. Laam, accompanied by personal security, meets his old friends who arrived at the helipad. These are two more from the group of hunters who participate annually and pay a lot of money for membership in this closed dark deviations club.
At this time, our protagonist of the story is in the treatment room, guarded and securely chained. He may still be unconscious.

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These two of the hunting team were the first to see the boar-guy that Laam had prepared for a spectacular hunt and subsequent celebration.

They seem to be quite impressed and pleased with his size and strong build, looking forward to a great hunt for this large male.

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Surely when you saw the cover of the comic book of the second volume of this story, you had questions. And the main one is why did the main character of the story have some kind of tusks or fangs ?! What does it mean? How does this fit into the narrative? And the fifth page reveals this riddle.

As you already understood, a GPS bug is hidden in one of the fangs, which will not allow the victim to go far during the upcoming open hunt. The implantation was carried out very reliably and it is irreversible without significant damage and trauma. Therefore, it is never possible to remove them again. This procedure also causes some speech impairment and makes it difficult to pronounce words. Making the image of the beast complete, even more impressive and believable. In addition, in this way this tradition resolves the moral conflict and disagreements of the inhabitants of this secret gated community. After all, now they do not consider their captive a human for them he is just an exotic humanoid beast - a male wild boar. And they will deal with him appropriately.

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Two hunters - friends of Mr. Lamm, continue to examine the naked body of the big guy, eagerly anticipating the beginning of the hunt.

The captive is still shocked and slightly out of his mind, his speech is now distorted and it is very difficult to speak. He lets out a growl and some kind of indistinct syllables that badly look  like words.

The scraps of linen were cut, Takumi kept jockstrap rags for himself. Now they are going to milk the captive and then smear him with their own cum, making his personal scent even more perceptible to hunting dogs. Only that the revealed boar does not yet know about this humiliating procedure.

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Jim calls to report on readiness and on setting up the GPS beacon. Mr.Laam intends to announce the time and place of the start of the hunt and then go to the open country. He has little confidence in these newfangled technological tricks, and relies on old proven methods.

According to the idea, the drones should track the movement of the victim, and broadcast the progress of the hunt on screens in the banquet hall where guests place bets.

We see Laam and the hunters get very horny in anticipation of the hunt, and at the sight of a naked boar-like big guy who growls and resist.

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Laam, being behind the captive suddenly for the big man makes him a concentrate injection of sleeping pills in the neck. A minute later, Micah felt dizzy and, as if intoxicated, began to lose his balance. The locks on the metal rope were removed and the body collapsed to the floor.

They postponed the idea for later to milk the big guy, since his smell is so well caught by dogs. In addition, testosterone rage and full balls will help him in a hard fight with hunters.

As planned, a group of personnel should chain and load the unconscious body of a big man in a cage in order to safely transport it to a pickup truck. And before that, they will give him drips with a nutrient mixture, and vitamins to fill his body with energy. In addition, in the morning they will feed him hearty even if he refuses because of his tusks, which he will not find comfortable. But he will never be able to take them off.

Laam, accompanied by hunters, will leave the treatment room, giving important instructions to the guards and assistants. In the elevator, they had a brief conversation in which newcomer Takumi Iori expressed his fear and insecurity about fighting a guy-boar of this size.

Then Mr. Laam turns to the guests, and announces the start of the hunt, as well as announces captive a male boar as game. The guests are excited.

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It was early in the morning of the very day of the declared hunt. The unconscious body of a hefty man, with difficulty, was loaded into a pickup truck cage and, for reliability, chained him in chains, including his thick sausage. Which, according to their idea, was to limit furiously behavior and anger when Micah wakes up.

In addition, when they arrive at the place and begin to remove him from the cage, he will have to obey out of desperation.

Micah felt full and full of energy, and the accumulated load made his character more explosive and bestial, which was even more strongly emphasized in his image by the recently implanted tusks.

Mr. Laam rode in the next jeep and admired the boar-guy they had lured for their hunt.

At the same time, the rest of the group of hunters, led by Jim, should already be waiting for them on the spot, and making final preparations.

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The main character in the pickup cage barely came to his senses to find himself chained and completely naked. A pickup truck with an escort group arrived in an area that resembles a hunting camp. All of this was a worrying circumstance. Emotions boiled down to a mix of rage and fear. Crowds and Mr. Laam’s guards surrounded the cage, teasing and looking at him, discussing something in an incomprehensible language. Miсah tried to catch at least a little familiar speech in order to understand what awaits him next, as it seemed to him, events developed rapidly.

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After being hit with a taser, the big man was somehow dragged out of the cage, his legs barely touched the ground, then the guards pushed him with a blow under the knee and he collapsed like a huge beast, raising a cloud of dust. He fell face down, rattling his chains, on his large, lardy belly, which protected him from falling like a big pillow.

A crowd of men, obviously from Laam's guards, surrounded him and had fun with this grandiose spectacle.

After a few seconds, Micah started stirred, snorted a cloud of dust and got up on his knee to look around…

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As the guards start to close in, the naked Micah rises to his feet, his eyes blazing with rage. He can’t believe he’s been stunned with a taser and thrown in a cage like an animal. The anger, frustration, and humiliation that he’s been feeling since his capture come boiling to the surface, and he charges towards the guard who shocked him.
Micah’s attacker is no match for him, and he lands several blows before the other guards swarm him, dragging him to the ground. Despite their best efforts, Micah continues to fight back, determined to escape at any cost. The guards shout orders at each other, and several of them grab onto Micah’s muscular arms and legs, trying to keep him down. Despite being restrained, Micah’s strength was still awe-inspiring, and the other guards couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration for the big man. As they struggled to keep him down, they watched in awe as Micah resisted their efforts with all his might.
In the background, the other Vietnamese guards laugh and jeer, goading the beaten guard to get up and take revenge on Micah. The humiliation is too much for him, and he pulls out a gun, intending to kill the big man. The crowd of guards struggle to contain Micah, who is still fighting to break free. As the gunman takes aim, a single gunshot echoes through the jungle.

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A gunshot echoed through the jungle, startling the birds. Micah's ears rang and he felt a little shook up. For a moment, he lost himself: "What happened!? Am I dead?"

The lifeless body of the guard fell to the ground, and through the noise, a familiar voice could be heard. Jim? Yeah, yeah, that's him. You recognize him? Seems like he's in charge here, and his word carries weight. But what's his role? What is he doing here? It's time to answer some questions and determine the prospects for the main character.

On this page, we reintroduced Jim to the plot, who was absent for some time during the story. And it can also be said that this page is a kind of beginning of a new chapter. Much will become clear, much will be explained, and the beginning of a plot twist will be set.

The falling episode was designed to show character Micah's mass and, in a sense, it was deliberately arranged to show him who he is and to humble him a little. These guys are not only hunting, but also psychologically manipulating the character, trying to break his will.

Let's see what happens next.

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It's time to show who's who. Miсah is discovering the true nature of Jim and, so to speak, embarking on a new acquaintance with him. Everything he had seen in him up to this moment was nothing but a fake mask – just a role that Jim played to earn trust long before these events and to arrange everything in a way that Micah willingly agreed to come to Mr. Laam's villa. It was there, long before this moment, that he was destined to play the role of prey in this grand hunt. As the plot unfolds, we will learn more details about why the choice fell on him and what the choice of victim is based on. But for now, we are approaching the chapter that begins the hunt.

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The hunt starts right now. Micah, in a state of surprise and shock, listens to Jim's speech and is forced to accept the rules of the game. They managed to manipulate and brainwash him to some extent. The big guy was angry and pumped with adrenaline and testosterone, ready to fight for his life. And if he's meant to be here, he'll sell his life at a high price. But that's exactly what the hunters wanted from him! Jim gave him a few pointers and even some information that the prey needs. But should he trust him after all he's done and who he really turned out to be?


Alright, the helicopter's takin' our main guy to the drop site. Micah's still butt-naked 'cause he didn't have time to get dressed and all that jazz. Things are movin' fast. But during that flight, he had about an hour to mull over the situation he stumbled into, thanks to his naivety and trustin' too damn much. Well, now he's gotta swallow the rules of the game and show 'em his other side. That son of a bitch Jim said they want a hunt? Oh, you can bet your ass you're gonna get it...!


No soft landing!Jump from a height of a few meters into the backwaters of a mountain river in a completely wild place! Micah managed to spot a waterfall downstream of the river, and it was quite dangerous.But who cares?This is not a tourist walk.If he hadn't softened the blow with the bag he could have broken a rib or worse.  

P.S. Tried a draw-style for the character's wet hair, I think it worked out pretty well. What do you think?


The attention of the narrative switches to two characters from a group of hunters. These are Immu Jero and Takumi Iori. While they are preparing to hunt down the victim, an interesting conversation took place between them. And if you carefully look at the frames of the page, you will understand that some people intend to play it safe or play an unfair game.


While Micah frantically searches the shore for any items that might have survived his fall into the river, the countdown for his timer handicap nears its end. The commencement of the hunt is minutes away, and every second needs to be maximized. The hunt is set to begin in mere minutes, and he must use this time as effectively as possible.

Next, we shift our focus to a certain darknet journalist, who is engaged in a conversation with Mr. Laam, eager to unearth details about the impending events that are unknown to the other guests. She's not just any journalist; she has a specific kink for large, masculine men. Particularly when these men are in life-or-death scenarios, not scripted TV dramas but in stark, fatal realism where their true selves are laid bare. The last moments of these men often feature a unique form of arousal, which in turn electrifies the audience, which resonates with and exhilarates the audience, sparking a mix of awe, thrill, and sexual excitement, reminiscent of the Coliseum in its heyday. Her vast, anonymous following is thirsty for these details; it's the only way they can partake in the events, given they have no chance of receiving an invite to such an exclusive feast.

Micah has managed to find many of the items that were available, though not all the crucial ones…


So, this exotic hunt has in fact begun. The hot tropical jungles are not the best place for a guy weighing over 500 lbs; our hero feels the breath of danger on his mighty neck. But there's no way to cancel or avoid it, so he's determined to fight for his life without wasting time on hesitation and pondering. As you recall, after jumping from the helicopter, he partially lost his belongings due to hitting an underwater rock outcrop and tearing his backpack. However, he managed to find some things on the shore, clothes, boots, a knife, and a holster.

The group of hunters also wastes no time and acts decisively, splitting into groups and using drones and hunting dogs. Takumi Iori, an archer of Japanese descent, was the first to track down the hefty guy. He is very confident, but still tries to avoid close contact, as the fight with the enraged life-fighting heavyweight is too dangerous.


So... meet, Page-21 delivers a crescendo in the silent clash between Micah and Takumi Iori. The artwork amplifies the tension palpably with each frame, mirroring Micah's racing pulse, and showcases the raw confrontation unfolding in the jungle's depths.

Micah's visage in the opening panel is a mix of determination and fear, setting the stage for the visceral showdown. Takumi exudes confidence and control, his poise a stark contrast to Micah's turmoil, with their body language speaking volumes beyond words.

Micah's final cry, "Go to hell!", is more than an outburst—it's the embodiment of his struggle and resolve. This is underscored by the dynamic visual style that brings his desperation and defiance to life.

The use of shadow and selective lighting intensifies the moment's drama, encapsulating the comic's overarching theme: a literal and figurative fight for survival where every choice might be the last.

I hints at the adult and brutal narrative, promising not just entertainment but a deep, resonant story that echoes the complex emotions and psychological battles within.


So, are you keeping the plotline in focus? We continue our comics series. Jim and his group have arrived at the site from where a shot was allegedly heard in the distance. They discover a discarded knife and holster left by Micah as a decoy at the entrance to a cave.

Jim is almost certain that Micah has already managed to escape and saved himself from a confrontation with one of the hunters, but who? And what happened? The smell of gunpowder in the air arouses his suspicion and anxious feelings that someone is playing a double game or ignoring the strict rules prohibiting the use of lethal weapons on the potential victim being hunted.

Entering the depths of the cave, they find a dead body, which turns out to be the Japanese archer hunter Takumi Iori. And Jim realizes that he was killed by a blunt heavy object to the head, not by a firearm. Though he is absolutely sure that it is involved, as he senses indirect signs.

Jim directs all the pressure of his suspicions and questions at Immu Jero, who was the protégé who invited his friend Takumi Iori to the hunt. In turn, Immu Jero makes excuses and tries to avoid responsibility, but Jim is very assertive. Having quickly analyzed the situation, Jim decides to turn it to his advantage by trying to get rid of the competitor, sending Immu Jero in search of Micah, who apparently has seized a firearm and will inevitably use it to defend himself.

Stay tuned for what happens next…




I await the cutting up of my beast :)


Why there is no pdf file


This is fucking excellent! HOTTT! 🔥