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It's time to tickle your nerves a little. As you know, we are working on the second volume of the comic. So, here's a teaser for you to keep your fantasy on how a plot you don't know might develop. 

Your versions will be very interesting for all of us. Share your assumptions about what is happening. Write your comments here and on Discord. 

And we are announcing a competition! Two prizes will be awarded - a mug and a sticker with the print of this episode! 

The winner for the main prize will be the one who writes the hunt for this boar on behalf of the hunter. As if you were one of the hunters in this plot. These guiding questions will help you write:

1. What kind of weapon would you use? 

2. What's your tactic? 

3. What will happen in your version of the plot from the perspective of the hunter? 

4. Your motive, why do you want to participate in the hunt for this wild boar guy?

5. And describe what you are going to do in case of a successful hunt. 

6. Will you take any trophy from the boar. 

7. If you are the one to finish the boar, how will you declare and celebrate this good fortune?

The more accurate and detailed you write your mini-story, the more chances you have of winning. In addition to the prize, you will also get the role of one of the hunters in the comic in the group of Mr. Laam. We will create a person with your character and your invented name. And also, you will be listed in the credits.

The second place will be given to the hunter who has received the audience's sympathy prize as a result of voting. It the one for whom our subscribers will vote, even if our opinion does not agree. 

All stories will be published here on our Patreon channel, and everyone will be able to get acquainted with these versions. And make a vote. 

We will summarize the results of the competition on May 9, 2021. You have 30 days to participate.



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