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Idea inspired by this, but not related: Cursed Melody - a young female knight enters a cave, as a skinny succubus watches from above - inside, the knight approaches a raised platform with a chest on it - she opens it, and music pours out - the chest being a trap - the music takes hold of her, forcing her to strip and then dance in place as her ass, tits, and lips grow - The music stops, and she collapses to her knees, exhausted - she's horrified by how her body has changed, saying "I didn't want a body like THIS!" - the succubus appears and gloats, explaining that SHE spread the rumor about a sacred sword being hidden here, knowing it would lure someone like the knight in. - "The cursed melody of the chest was a joke left by a mage long ago, but we succubi have a BETTER use for it" - the knight raises a hand, trying to summon magic to fight - but nothing happens - the song used all her magic to enhance her body, rendering her helpless. - the succubus uses a magic circle to remove the knight's head, and forces to her to watch as the succubus enters her body - the succubus laughs as she merges with the knight's body, swelling her muscles and curves even more - last of all, the succubus's dark skin color overcomes the knight's lighter skin - the succubus gloats at having taken over her body completely, and the knight yells at her to give it back. - "Oh? But I thought you didn't want a body like this..." the succubus grins. "But don't worry...I'll give it back." - she pulls the knight's head towards her, and the knight panics, trying to fight back. - they start to levitate, as the succubus forces her head into the knight's head, bulging and stretching her face - she absorbs the knight's head, fully becoming her - and there's a shockwave of power that shakes the cave - "Heheh! I got her - just as her power was coming back! If I'd wasted more time, she would have destroyed me...but instead, I have EVERYTHING! HEHEEHEEEE!" Part 2? - same setup, except a mage and a barbarian warrior woman are lured to the cave this time. - like before, the music starts to play, forcing them to dance, grow curvier, and exhaust themselves. - two succubi appear after, and giggle - before one of them flies straight down, and squeezes down the warrior's throat! - her belly bloats, and then her muscular arms jerk up, growing more muscular. She looks shocked. - The barbarians' own hands seize her head, and hold it as something bulges up her neck and snaps into her head, stretching and reshaping it - her head morphs into a mix of her and the succubus's heads - she grins, and presses her hands to her belly, forcing it to shrink back to normal. Her ass, thighs, and tits grow larger. - the mage looks on in horror as her friend is taken over, only for the other succubus to shove against her from behind - she cries out, but the possessed barbarian seizes hold of her, pinning her against the succubus, as the succubus sinks into the mage's body - the mage's body is corrupted, with the second succubus's head resting on her shoulders beside the mage's head. She forces the mage to fondle herself - then the barbarian grips their heads, and forces the mage and succubus's heads together. The mage is taken over, fully corrupted into a new, ultra luscious succubus.


page 173 of angels and demons 3 is one of the hottest/best models i have seen. excellent work