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謝謝 4月份也請多多關照。

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Hello, I'm a new patron and I had an idea that I thought I'd share: a boy with an ugly mom is jealous of all of his friends' beautiful mothers. One day a strange woman gives the boy some item that allows him to fuse people together, and the boy decides to fuse all of his friends' moms into his own mother one by one in order to create the perfect milf. His mom is unaware of what is going on, and she will believe everything is normal after each fusion. At the end his friends come over looking for their moms, but they get distracted by how hot his new mother is.


Nice to meet you. I read your idea well. It's a well-organized story, so I think it can be made right away. I'll make a full story soon. Thank you.


為什麼之前有些題材完整版不見了 沒辦法看?