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So, I've missed January's projects update. Sorry about that. There's some stuff that I've already posted in other media, in discord and in the forums, so, just to clear things up on what's going to happen, and what my project line is looking like.

On the 18th of January, my best friend, one of the original co-authors and creative partner of Breach: The Archangel Job, Rikuo, had passed away. I've taken my time to get things back in order, both in life, and mentally.

So, here are what I plan on doing.

Breach: Chicago War Zone & The Archangel Job

With the short story finished, I am now focusing on getting an update ready for Breach: CWZ and Brach: TAJ. I'm still picking things up from December since our January schedule got a bit messed up, so I'm currently still in the process of rewriting/restructuring chapter 1 part 1.

I am now working on my own, and though things are piling on, I am still looking forward to finishing them and finally getting an update out sometime soon, both for Breach 1 and 2.

Afar: Mad World

Lore rewrite is underway for the world of Afar and the continent of Trebantaboo. The essentials there will be the same and there won't be much deviation from the original story so, don't expect much of a change.

Most of the new races, extra bits and pieces of magic in the world will be a bit familiar to those of you who play Dungeons and Dragons 5e. 

Next Short Story

After stumbling a few times, I realised that I cannot be writing a short story and writing the game and release both in the same month, so I'll do my best to focus on one or the other.

That being said, there will be a poll sometime soon about which short story I should be writing where some patrons could vote on.

Also, part 4-6 of the not so short story for the sequel of Breach, Joy To The World is out now! Part 1-3 is now in public! 

Real Life Projects

So... yeah... Things were bad. I've taken my time to gather myself and get everything back in order... That's all I can say.

Much love, and much thanks!



I'm terribly sorry for your loss, please take whatever time you need to recover from this. Never an easy thing to lose someone 💔😶


Not much to say that will make things better, still I’m so sorry for loss. Do not feel pressured to pump things out or deadline or anything like that. Take as much time as you need to and do whatever is necessary to get yourself sorted out. Whether that is days or weeks or months, do what is best for you. We all will understand.