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We finally have the results from the poll we made about the future crossover and Cameos between SexNote and Lust Legacy, a lot of you guys came out to vote, and these are the results:

“HELL YEAH!” With 66% of the votes the option in which the characters would just crossover from one game to the other was the overwhelming favorite. At 30% percent of voting, “Sure, but modify the characters” was our second most voted option. The options of “ABSOLUTELY NOT”, and “Ok, but no sex with them” received a 3%and 1% respectively.

So, as you guys can see, the vast majority of you voted that you were ok with us doing crossovers between the two games, thus, we will continue working with that idea in mind. However, this doesn’t mean that we will just ignore the opinions of the other users.

So, with this in mind, we have decided to continue the idea of bringing characters from SexNote into Lust Legacy; but we will modify them so that they are different characters. Their looks and appearance could be similar, but they will have different outfits and backstories and even different personality, so they won’t be the same character from the original game.

This will allow us to work more freely in more dynamic stories. Allowing us to us all our resources on more complete and cohesive work, we hope that you guys will see that as time goes by.

We want to thank each and every one of you who participated in the poll and got in contact with us. You make Sex Note a lot more democratic, your communication is more important than you think. Thanks for your support!




Love the way you mixed the ”crossover” and the “modify the characters option”. Honestly, having some of the characters appear but with a new rendition are good news for everyone.


What worries me about this is the obvious option of simply duplicating the animation, onto another game, and selling it as an update with "new" content.


Honestly they should just be updated appearances as currently advertised. Changing the personality wouldn’t really make it a cross over.


Well, I think your intentions are clear to me and I like them. The fact that you will bring the characters from SexNote into Lust Legacy is a good idea.


I'm still having issues with a bug involving the teacher storyline quest. Can't enter classroom without it crashing. Making progress impossible.