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Heya peeps, coming up next week!

A preview for the nightmaremoon x cadance part 4,

the continuation of the gothshy x cadance animation,

the final sponso animation

and the continuation of the cadance x gleaming animation!

Big week ahead but i wanted to continue this gothshy x cadance animation!

As for the sponso one it will have so voice in it i think with the help of ChloeAngelVA!

Stay tuned peeps!



You certainly are a busy bee 🐝 Take your time and take breaks

Seth Fagan

I really can't wait to see more of Gothsy x Cadance animations.

Rikku (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-16 20:29:36 The Gothshy x Cadance is the one I'm waiting the more, but the sponso animation got me really curious, can't wait to see more of it!
2024-01-16 14:26:29 The Gothshy x Cadance is the one I'm waiting the most, but the sponso animation got me really curious, can't wait to see more of it!

The Gothshy x Cadance is the one I'm waiting the most, but the sponso animation got me really curious, can't wait to see more of it!