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Erin here! It's been a while. But yes, I'm still alive,

As you know, my project has caught a lot of flack in the past for its origins as a Mario fan game ceated by DryboneX. Though personally I think i've come a long way to establish the game as its own unique property over the past few years. And since this project started back in 2019, I can honestly say that Princess Pepper, Beast, and the lovable little Mister have become classic characters in their own right.

But despite that, there apparently still people who either think the game bears too much of a resemblance to the original inspiration, or who still continue to confuse me for DryboneX.
Long story short: today I received a saddening e-mail screenshot from someone who decided to report my patreon page to Nintendo's legal team. And that hurts. 

But I'll be ok. To be honest I don't think Nintendo will have much issue with the page anyway, considering how my characters only take a minor inspiration from their own. If DryboneX still had his patreon, he would've been fucked. But at this rate it looks like he will get to carry on un-phased by this whole thing. >_>

Anyhow. For the true fans who want to continue supporting BP:SS, please find another update on my itch page below. Thanks for sticking around, and much more to come!





Hope nintendo doesn't confuse you for that drybone person Cant wait to see me of the beast & pepper crew <3

AJ Ferolie

... ok im very confused... did i miss something?

AJ Ferolie

Ah i see... i guess there are people who just wanna screw over hard working artists to make themselves feel better


i hope everyting goes right this time, since after some work i can see myself enjoying this game as much as i did the [redacted] version,

Pink Horse

damn, not again


Good job turning this around so quickly after the incident. Increasing my monthly pledge to spite the troll who reported it; keep up the great work!


Hope all goes well i loved the game and its getting better and better!


So basically there is no more [redacted] version in the future?

Futa Lover

excuse me, who are you?, i never see you before 😉


Where he will keep working on it, he will use a new platform? i would like to keep supporting the content!


excusing the completely sad news, this has been a hilarious post to fucking read. Gotta feel sorry for whoever that guy is


Keep your head up, buddy. You’ll still have our support.

G (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-27 19:42:23 Damn Erin we been following your Beast & Pepper project for a long time now, wonder why they reported you to Nindy of all companies?
2022-01-25 14:20:40 Damn Erin we been following your Beast & Pepper project for a long time now, wonder why they reported you to Nindy of all companies?

Damn Erin we been following your Beast & Pepper project for a long time now, wonder why they reported you to Nindy of all companies?