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A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our first performance survey. It gave us vital and valuable feedback about our work and showed us in what areas we can improve.

We also selected this month’s CAP winner! We already sent him a message requesting the shipping information, so j****e*****b**d@outlook.com, please check your email (including the spam folder)!

The information provided by the survey says that what most people like about the game is the ART. So, we will try to keep it up as good as it is and not let the quality slip in any way.

It saddens us, but we must recognize that most people dislike the MINIGAMES. We think a bit of challenge makes the game more exciting, but we will try and make them simpler, bug-proof, and more fun. However, in the uncensored version (Patreon version) of the game, all the minigames have the option to skip, considering all the players who do not want to play them.

The most loved characters are Chloe and Sophie (no shocker there), and the least loved characters are Lillian and Rati. But don’t worry! There is a reason why the personalities are the way they are; we have plans that will turn the tables with these two characters in particular. Just wait and see! We’re sure you will like what’s coming! ;)

Another common suggestion is to add more interaction with the other characters, which we will do in the next release. For now, we will leave Sophie and Latisha on the sidelines for a while and develop the story with the other characters. The next version will include a scene with a character that the MC hasn’t interacted with much, so that’s a start.

Well, once more,  a big THANKS to everyone! We remind you that the survey will stay up indefinitely, so we ask everyone who hasn’t participated yet to check it out. Let us know your ideas and suggestions and help us continue improving the game.



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