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As mentioned before, this idea has been on my table for a looong time. I was waiting for the physics engine from the company I hired, and somehow ended up to a never ending money-eating black hole. So I had to cancel the project with them. Writing this now feels good, my decision was a good one for two reasons; I created the same stuff by myself, and secondly, after the FD3 and Lola, I'm moving to the Unreal with the FD4.

 Luckily, I don't have to take this leap by myself. One of you guys is WAY beyond my league with the Unreal, any effects, different software knowledge etc, and we are figuring out the compatibility with a "test" mini game. I'm SO privileged to hop to the train which is not at the station! After this, FD4 as chapter releases, so you don't have to wait this long.

Some things you might wanna know about the Latex Lola

Well, first of all, if you have The Handy, you are the lucky one. Lola is configured for the Handy, meaning it's running without any delays. I'm collaborating with them.

What is Latex Lola, and WTF, where did it came from, I'm here for the FD3, where are your priorities?

This would be a fair question to ask. From my point of view, I MUST look forward. THEN I must use all the latest tools available. You might ask why, and the answer is simple. I want to make my games even better.

So, FD3 has been created with the Unity 2018, and Lola with 2022. Upgrading the FD3 is simply impossible, or we wait 2 years before I can fix all the corrupted stuff, fixed all the code changes etc. What I personally think of this; don't do it. And I wont. The FD3 will be insanely good game done with the Unity 2018. The story is solid.

So, what I'm going to do after the FD3 is to give you the Latex Lola. It has the physics engine, toy support for any toy supported by the Buttplug, BUT, it's optimized for the Handy. 

And what it is about? 

Well, you are an adult actor in Lola's streaming show, you are at the studio, which converts to different locations. Earn her trust, and get tons of latex for her with your acting. Like mentioned before it's like Amoreon with steroids and physics.

Some stuff created for it besides the physics;

Toy control.

Real captures for the Handy, I got a BT wristband from Ninn, and converted some recorded movements for the Lola. Let's just say it's a female hand. The wristband was designed to control the video speed, but I managed to record what her hand is doing.

Real time voice recognition.  And actually this is awesome. The Lola runs with AI, and listens what you say. You wanna edge, sloppy bl*wjob or rush, it's all there. I created at least 6 different modes, and you can control the action with the words like "faster", "slower",  "pause",  "I'm cum*ing".

I have over 4000 lines of VO done so far, taking account any possibility you can do. Animation wise, any pose to any pose goes in real time. An example; she rides you and you wanna get bo*bjob, just say it, and she changes her pose. Or push her back, and she will stay there. So far over 600 animations done or captured.

And ofc I'm not forgetting how you wanna be treated. Depending your like, be submissive or just a BF. Up to you.

One early video created long time ago: Here. 





that sounds amazing


Hey Jari, for Latex Lola has anyone brought up the idea of allowing Passthrough for VR for it? That would be SUPER immersive if Lola could be in your room virtually...Thanks! Really all it would take would be to make a "green screen" background environment as one of the environments in order for us to then tell the headset which colors to use as the "passthrough" colors to show the real world outside.