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I've been sick now for 3 weeks and I'm really fed up with these viral infections. First I got just a normal flu, now I'm having the second viral infection after it. I've always picked up these things very easily, but man, these things eat up ALL your energy.

Just wanting to say going forward with full steam when I get better.



Joined just now, been a fan since long before I bought FD2 on steam a year ago. Been hoping for FD3 for so long, so I finally looked around, and found mixed recent information online. Some were talking about the upcoming FD4, others were discussing the early FD3 development, Anyway I see a lot of interesting stuff here, happy to help fund you and your artwork! <3 - Hope you get well soon, and get some time to relax after <3


FD3 is my primary focus, but I need to look forward, as FD4 is using LOT of different features and I don't want to get myself to the -nothing-to release-in 3 months-because I'm learning it. I really hate being sick, I got these flus from my son who went to army and visiting us every weekend. What's coming out from my nose and throat have all the colors of the rainbow now. It's a viral infection, so no meds to kill it, just wait it to pass.