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This is a VERY early stage of the environment and some of the characters. You arrive midnight and pretend to be one of the patients. This is one of the times you use your watch to wind the time to the right spot. 

I actually built a REALLY cool system for this, taking account of the time of the day, the lights, the sun and the moon, intensity etc, making it as cool as I can. From your point of view, it's really fast, but the engine under the hood controls tons of events.

Currently I'm creating the patients, each having their own pointless tasks, and the nurses controlling them. I'm actually using one base character for the patient, having tons of morphs; this way every guy will look different with different body shape and different skin materials. The look will be randomized when they spawn.

One of the biggest problems I had was to find 3D props of that time. What I found - nada. So I had to google images of that time to get things right. Then rolled my sleeves and just modelled and textured. I haven't imported the props to the Unity yet, like all the furniture etc...

I also hired a guy to help with the shaders, as many of the scenes require features Unity doesn't offer; like puddles with rain, mirrors etc. Those are using fake raytrace, but reflecting everything like raytraced. This Main Asylum uses one of those shaders.

I'm going to take this baby bit forward, and hop to the Factory or the Cuckold, and release a full game scene before end of this month.

Again, a friendly reminder, IF you haven't got your scene key yet, just PM me!

Have a great weekend! I'm so excited with this stuff, I prolly start again 5 am tomorrow :D




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