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Hi all! I’m still not allowed to post stuff from Beetle and the Hollowbones but i wanted to update you about where it is and what my schedule has been like lately, because honestly patreon has been a massive windfall during crunch. I’m going to be real with you on this one, I’ve been in book crunch all summer. we’re looking at a fully inked book as of the end of this month, though! The cover is done too, although i’m not sure when I’ll be able to announce it.

But yeah, scheduling note, you might notice that i’m basically just getting online to post demon street pages and even after halving my schedule they’re still kinda stuttery. It’s because I’m not really having days off anymore and haven’t since mid june, and my hours are super long. I have no trouble being transparent about this with you guys but I don’t exactly wanna go on twitter about it, you know? So that’s what’s going on with that.

This is so that we can get advanced reader’s copies done on schedule!! I’m going to see if it’s possible that I could get some e-ARCS to give out in the next couple months, not sure yet, but when the time comes i’ll let you know about it! It’s not that I wanna like, use you for publicity or reviews or whatever, i just want you to have it because i’m really proud of it, so I’ll do my best to get it in your hands if i can! ARCs are free, too, so like if anyone deserves to read it for free it’s y’all.

So that’s the update! Thank you, as always, you rule and help me a lot 🌟



Thanks for the update! No worries about the slowdown in online content -- you gotta do what you gotta do to take care of yourself while working on your graphic novel 💖