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Hey all! Thanks for your patience with me! Here is something I have learned, that is pretty easy to figure out when you think about it: writing and drawing two painted books simultaneously while doing freelance is really hard and it means you have to work constantly. Who'd a thought it! Anyway, soon I'm probably gonna announce moving demon street down to one update a week (mondays) while I'm finishing work on beetle and the hollowbones, which has so much great stuff in it that my publisher won't let me tell you about (i actually tried really hard to get permission to post behind the scenes beetle stuff here but no dice). Work on Beetle should wrap up this winter, at which point I'm going to slam so many pages of DS into the basketball hoop, thereby dunking the book. We're legitimately so close to the end that slowing down at this juncture is making me SO mad but at the same time, I gotta live, I know you all are cool and know this. this is also why I almost never tweet anymore  

also do you think my publisher would let me make this my author photo. don't worry about what I'm doing in this picture 



it looks like you're gonna tell me a story about how you killed all the trees and beat the lorax looking forward to the new book!!