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you can see a copy of this post on the demon street website, but I wanted to upload the full resolution of the image here as well as reposting the thank-you message for after I take this image down to preserve my archive. Here it is as written on demonstreet.co: 

Hi everyone! here's something to celebrate sharing this long, weird story with you. it's been a long journey, I can't wait for us to get to the end, even though it'll be a little bit bittersweet. Thank you for reading!

I'd like to take a moment to thank my patrons specifically:

Zottg, Alexander, Mary Jane, Vincent, Daniel, Sarah, Adam, Deirdre, DaffyDaydreamer, Daniel, My Hat, Steven, Keyo, Bastardapple, Tyler, Gray, Gwendolyn, SailorWindy, Michael, Lee, Alois, Eve, Qynce, Joshua, SC, Kelan, Ploe, Iris, Kaija, Dylan, Joe, Madeline, Petra, Elin, Prism, David, Stuart, Devin, Chromatic-drip, Honya, David, E. Nicholls, Craig, Alexander, J Quincy, Haiz, Peter, Dee, Lava, Jonah, Nicholas, Ross, Kaitlin, Cephalopodic, rae, Serpent_moon, K Rool and Chie and Zack!!





Happy birthday to a very good comic!! Thank you for sharing it with us!!!


(I guess I'll post this here too?) Ah, this is so beautiful! It has a feel like an old-timey map or illustration for children*, I love it. "Ploe" Oh, that's me! * There is an illustration for a Learning Company game of a path forking and winding over a grassy hill, and one fork is going up toward the distant hilltop, where I think there was a castle or something. It enraptured me as a little kid, and this – particularly that top part with the mountains – reminded me of that. And oh, I just realized, if you start at the very top and work your way down, you pass through all the locations visited in the comic, from the floating stepping stones that Sep used to get into Demon Street, to the mushroom forest and Raina's treehouse, to the first ravine beast, all the forests and mountains, the city with its landmarks, the desert, the oasis, the giant bug(?) head where Celine and Essie camped out, the second ravine beast, and the forest with the spiral. That… ah, that was a shot of nostalgia. The stepping stones are what really did it for me. This is the first I can recall being able to see the second beast like this. You can see his whole face at once, take in his whole visage. He looks good! The archivist in her building looks like a bug trapped in amber. Also the holes on the mound right below her look like a little smiley face. There are a couple things I don't recognize: the twisted stone pillars at the top, and the building in the desert with the pieces jutting up.