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no updates this month Because of what happened 4 months ago. The programmer had to leave his city. I am currently unable to transfer funds to PayPal.

Working without motivation is like eating when you feel like you overate. I fear that the situation with money transfers may continue for a long time.

I'll try to get back to work next month. But I don’t know what the mood will be like and how I will motivate myself.


Crow Reaper

Don't worry, take your time. It's going to be a good product regardless.


Really sucks what is happening right now, hope things will get better in the future

Sexy voice Guy

Do what I do when I feel unmotivated: Get angry instead. And then use that anger to motivate yourself against yourself and then project that into proving yourself wrong about motivation.

Sexy voice Guy

Or you could try writing/reading fanfiction or something like that. It helps a lot to channel your emotional stuff.


Rest XSeman, take your time 🫂 🧘‍♂️


To be honest taking time for yourself or rediscovering yourself might help a lot I know that sounds stupid but when I'm in ruts the best thing I can do is try to stop overthinking as much and meditate which sounds gay I know but hey its worth a try