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Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well. February kinda disappeared right out from under me, and I didn't even realize how late it was getting! Before the month comes to a close, I wanted to put out one last hotfix for v0.46. This one has a LOT more fixes than the previous ones (thanks to everybody who reported bugs!), and also one relatively large feature, so here's the list:

-Added ingame support for using high-resolution CGs from the CG pack
-Readded the Bestiary menu
-Fixed an issue causing the mouse cursor to not scale properly with screen resolution, causing it to become extremely small on large monitors
-Fixed a crash in the gallery when changing animations mid-climax
-Fixed being unable to type the letter "v" in map notes
-Fixed an issue where several menu options would not save and load properly, causing them to reset between sessions
-Fixed an issue where, if talked to at a very specific point early in the game, Rodriguez's advice would refer to the first boss fight as if you had beaten it already, before you ever encounter it
-Fixed an issue where the HUD didn't come back after leaving the "End of Demo" menu screen
-Fixed an issue where the Auto Shot couldn't properly target Tentacle enemies
-Attempted another fix for Alicia's shooting arm getting stuck in a direction, when using the Wire Shot in certain circumstances
-Fixed an issue where the Azulisk would slide off into the sunset when hit by a melee attack
-Fixed an issue where, in the map screen, any map note located at the cursor's default position would not be read until the player manually highlighted it
-Fixed an issue where the pause menu is not centered properly while in fullscreen, on monitors with non-standard aspect ratios
-Added a prompt after toggling Fullscreen or Vsync that asks the player if they want to keep the new setting. If no answer is selected, the screen will auto-revert to the previous setting after 10 seconds.
-Fixed an issue where double clicking with the mouse on any part of the screen would cause you to start writing a map note; now, it only triggers if you double click within the map itself
-Fixed a crash that occurs when some environment traps hit you during certain animations
-Fixed an issue with the Lurker CG that caused it to display the wrong images sometimes

Like always, you can download this hotfix from the same link as before. It will read "v0.46.5" on the main menu if you have the latest version.

So, aside from the numerous bugfixes, and the bestiary menu being readded, the main headline here is that the game now supports external high-res CGs! Large images like those have huge filesizes (the CGs alone are over double the entire game's filesize), so the game comes with CGs at around 640x480 by default. In v0.46.5 and onward, though, you can now use the High-Res CG Pack that's available for all $10 patrons, and have them actually show up ingame. The instructions for making that work are included in the CG pack download, which I'll be putting up for download as soon as I'm done writing this post! Using them is completely optional, but it's there for anyone who wants it.

Aside from that, since I haven't made any major posts since v0.46 came out, I wanted to give a quick update on what's going on with us.

I took an extended break after v0.46 came out, but I got back to work about a week and a half ago, and that time has been spent on story plans and this hotfix. There were a lot of issues to fix, and the whole high-res CG thing required a lot of learning on my part, since I've never dealt with loading external files like this.

Now that this hotfix is out, I'm going to be focusing on an updated public demo; I mentioned it briefly before, but there's an adult games event happening soon, and I want to have a free demo update available before then, so anybody who's seeing CPE for the first time can play a version with 360 aiming and all that. Since it'll be a free demo, it'll still have the same content as our 2019 demo did (ending after the second boss fight), just with all of the new features in v0.46.

Once that public demo update is done (which shouldn't take too long), I'll get the v0.46 gallery finished and released as soon as possible (sorry to make you all wait so long for it), and then we'll figure out where to go from there. I'm not sure if we're going to start v0.47 development immediately, or wait a little longer; I really want to have our story plans finalized and have that custom level design tool ready to go, before we get back to making content on a regular schedule, but I also don't want to make you guys wait too long, so we'll see what happens and how we're all feeling once the immediate deadlines have been taken care of.

Alright, that's it from me today! We'll probably be starting up streams again soon, now that a lot of my more boring work has been taken care of, so keep an eye out for those. Thanks for reading, everyone - see you again soon with that gallery, and our plans for the near future!



Yes, February is short, you know ..) Don't worry. The fact that the game now supports external high-res CGs is very impressive.


Is there a way to go from V0.46.4 to V0.46.5 washout losing progress ?


Yes, just install the new version and start playing. You don't ever need to do anything special to carry over your save, it will automatically load it, even between major versions.

Justin Govas

I assume this is replaced the OG 46 in the download files?