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Hey everyone, this is just gonna be a real quick post to let you know what's up. As I'm sure everyone has noticed, v.25 didn't make it out last month - I feel really bad about it, but I just didn't get everything done in time, and the new Game Over sequence is also not ready yet. Rather than release a half-baked update with no new CG, I figured it would be better to push it back a bit to make sure it's actually a good update. Once it comes out, which should hopefully be within a week, there will be two new mobility powerups, the Sentry's duo BE H-scene, a new GO sequence, the redesigned Force Shot system, and a handful of other more minor things. One final note; this update is going to be a little strange, because the new powerups will allow you to access areas early and get around more easily than ever and the rooms aren't redesigned to account for them yet, so it's very likely there will be some major exploits. You'll be given the powerups from the start rather than finding them, so hopefully this'll be a fun update to fuck around with. There might be unforeseen bugs because of sequence breaking though, so my apologies if you run into any of those. Aaanyway, this post rambled on a bit longer than anticipated, sorry about that. I'll be trying to stream again soon while I finish everything up, so keep an eye out for updates! -A42



Time to put on my bug finding hat!