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Hey everybody! I'm not actually at my computer right now, typing this on a phone, so I'll keep it brief. I'm still plugging away at v.24, and I expect it to come along in about a week or so - I am going to be pushing the next powerup back to v.25, but most of the other things will be in, although the voice clip variety won't be increased too drastically. The voices are a thing I plan on improving gradually over the next few updates instead. I'm hoping to do one more stream before it comes out, so I'll keep you guys updated on that as soon as I have a date picked out. Thanks so much for your patience and support as always! -A42



by "soonish" do you perhaps mean Blizzard's Soon-ish™ ? :) <a href="http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Soon" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Soon</a>


Luckily nothing quite so delayed :P I'm hoping to be able to get it out sometime near the weekend.