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To clarify right off the bat, nothing bad has happened to Crisis Point or anything. Development is still going to be proceeding smoothly. However.. 
One of my long-time patrons came to me recently and asked why he hadn't received the latest update after it came out, since I promised to give the update to everyone who had pledged enough during the few months with no updates. I had already sent out the update to everyone, so I was just as confused as he was. After looking into things, it turns out that Patreon recently changed their systems, and added the most amazingly idiotic 'feature' I've ever seen - when a patron cancels their pledge, every piece of information relating to them is PERMANENTLY REMOVED from my Patron Manager. This means that I have no fucking records of everyone who has pledged to me over the past two years, except for those people who are pledged right now. I've already gotten in contact with Patreon support about this but I'm still waiting on a reply to see if they have any way to help. I'm writing down every bit of information I can find about people who are pledged, but there are undoubtedly scores of people I'm missing.

If you've pledged to me at ANY point in time, PLEASE find a way to take a screenshot proving that you've donated at least $10 total throughout development, and either email or PM it to me, along with the email you want your eventual copy of the game sent to. I desperately want to fulfill my promise of free copies of the game to any of you who have supported me that much, and I'll be writing down pledges as often as I can going forward so this can't screw my plans over again, but as of now, I have no way to get a list of everyone who has pledged in the past anymore.

For contact, you can either reach me by PM on ULMF (Patreon won't let you send PMs to creators you aren't pledged to), or email me at: ms.anon42@gmail.com



I am trying to send you a PM regarding this issue, but Patreon system wont allow me stating that `Sorry, but you're no longer allowed to send a message to this person`


Right, that's probably because you're no longer pledged to me - sorry about that, I'll edit the post in a sec. Shoot me an email at ms.anon42@gmail.com instead, that should work fine


I'm pledging since january (as visible from my page) and I never received demo but that's matterless as long as I get full game, what's matter is that you should tell about this stupid change on ULMF in patreon thread because more patrons are up for this "surprise".


Yeah, I already made a post on the ULMF thread explaining the issue. Several people have already messaged me about it so hopefully this will alleviate a lot of the problem. The reason you haven't gotten the demo is because you're pledging $3, by the way - you only get demos if you pledge at the $10 tier. You've definitely pledged enough for the final version though, so I'll make sure you're on the list!

James Mac

Wow, that's absolutely absurd. Hope it all gets resolved soon, man! The last thing you need is the extra stress right now.


That explains a lot. What a stupid place this patreon is...


Don't think this is a new thing. I had this happen with a different campaign early last year.


I've got version .22,other then that i have no way to verify i funded in this past,this seriously sucks,hoping you find some way to get that info back


i can take a picture of the page where it shows all i am a patron too, and then send it to my mail, and then forward it to you if that helps?


"hope it gets resolved soon" Patreon knows about this for at least 2 years and they didnt fix it yet. Instead they waste time with these "interface updates" nobody asked for...


go to "Your Pledges" and click on "Pledge History". There you can find ALL of your past fundings (screenshot it)


That will be fine! Just make sure you include the email you want me to send it too along with the proof of patronage!


Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me, I've just never run into it until the Instant Charge feature was activated. Now it's a huge problem though. I'm just glad I caught it relatively early so people will have plenty of time to message me about it, and I can start writing everyone down from here on out.


ok, thanks. X3


weird. it turns out, i'm NOT a patron, but HAVE been! so why am i still getting messages? o.O?


Probably because I'm still under your "Following" section. I don't know exactly how it all works, but I assume even after you unpledge to a person, you're still following them, and you'll presumably get notifications of any public posts they make