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So v.23 is finally finished. After I finish writing up this post, I'll be sending out a manual link to everyone who has pledged at the appropriate tiers since v.22 came out - just in case people stopped pledging during this period. To those of you still pledging, however, I'll post a download link to the game in another post shortly that you can access it from as well!

The changelog for this update is a lot smaller than I would have liked, considering how very long it took. Unfortunately, most of that time I wasn't able to actively develop the game - thus this update isn't quite the culmination of several months of effort. However, I tried to prioritize some of the more substantial elements, and hopefully you guys will still be able to find a lot to love about it (like the new voices for sprite sex scenes)! In any case, I'll have a full month of uninterrupted work to develop the next update, since things in my personal life have calmed down. I'm confident that it will be a much more substantial update than this one.


 -Warped Soldier CG/Game Over scene added
-Implement new powerup (flamethrower)
-All of Alicia's ingame voice clips replaced by Alicia's official voice actress
-Fix more minor issues 

As for next month..


-Finish BE H-animations for Warped Sentry
-Finish gamepad menu controls and options
-Warped Scientist CG/Game Over scene added
-Implement new powerup
-Allow enemies + certain environment pieces to catch on fire via Flare Shot
-Add extra polish/more variety to new voice clips
-Create more content (areas)
-Fix more minor issues

As you can probably tell, my plans if nothing else are definitely a bit more ambitious. I feel like I need to make the dead air up to you guys though, so I'm gonna try my best to get it all done.

Well, that's enough from me for today. Thank you all so much for your support, as always - and I hope you enjoy v.23!


        -Alicia can no longer kick beyond room boundaries
        -Alicia can no longer remove status effects by briefly masturbating
        -Alicia should not longer get stuck inside low ceilings during certain actions
        -Riding a moving platform into a wall should no longer cause Alicia to get stuck
        -Being mid-sex animation while screen transitioning no longer locks Alicia's animations
        -Opening and closing the map underwater should no longer reset Alicia's in-water state
        -Jump key to end the boss' GO scene should now function properly
        -Holding down while jumping will allow you to pass through ghost platforms without landing on them
         -New logo added to menu
        -Pausing and unpausing will no longer cause nearby doors to close (possibly on top of Alicia)
         -Pausing and unpausing should no longer cause certain breakables to be destroyed


Kayin Sparkle Twilight Dreemurr

I believe there might be a bug/issue with this version. In the catacombs, when you drop down into one of the shafts that leads to a room with a normal warped soldier, it seems like rather then landing and being able to explore that room, you somehow get moved somewhere else. I've tried three times now to get a screen shot but it seems to happen so fast it's hard to snag it. Though playing through again, coming from another room it seems to be fine. Huh, maybe it's just with that shaft... EDIT: New notice. When I got the GE scene for the Warped Soldier in the catacombs, the screen became tinted and I saw the sprite for her standing fall into the void. Then the darker tint remained for the GE scene.


I see exactly where you're talking about with the catacombs thing. Once again I should have tested something I did more thoroughly, sorry about that. That little section in the catacombs should be the only spot in the game with that bug, but I know exactly what's causing it and I should be able to fix it easily. Not sure why the GO scene glitched though, I'll have to look into that.. Thanks for the bug reports!


Another example would be the slimes compared to the warped sentry 3P scenes. She doesn't seem to react to the situation much (Give in, Don't give in, struggle,enjoy, etc) it just seems like she's completely neutralized during the events.


Those are the exact things I was referring to when I said I would be adding extra polish/more variety to new voice clips in the next update. Hell, it'll probably improve gradually over the next several updates, actually. I was already late with this update when I received her new clips, so I just pasted them all in the game over her old voices and left everything else alone. Once I have more time I'll be going back and changing clips that don't fit, adding clips where necessary, etc. It might not be as responsive or deep as you're hoping but it will definitely be cleaned up quite a bit.