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Hey guys, not much of an update this week (and sorry it was a day late again!) - I had multiple doctor visits this week, so a lot of my time was taken up by appointments (and appointment anxiety), and I didn't get to work too much. The work I did do was mostly on shaders and special effects stuff, mostly for the Slam attack, but I also want to do another pass over most of CPE's special effects now that Orexius has been learning how to animate effects. He's been putting out some excellent effects that I'm looking forward to showing off in future updates!

We're also going back and reviewing each area in the game, and seeing where we can improve them visually; the Deep Soil is our first target, because to be honest, the current iteration of the area is basically not at all like I envisioned it, and we want to fix that. I made a lot of mistakes early in development with not writing things down, and not giving my artists enough information to go on, so that's something I'm working on improving. Me and Puffernutter went over the Deep Soil this week and wrote down key points, what improvements we want to make, and gathered references so when she has time to work on tilesets she'll have a much clearer picture of what to aim for, and we plan on doing that for every other area in the game as well. Since I don't have to be very involved in the process, it won't slow down my work much, so don't start worrying this is going to be The Great Rework™ 2.0 or anything like that :p

Anyway, aside from the little work I did this week, Orexius started working on some less-necessary animations for the main cast, stuff like Rodriguez using the computer at base camp and Alicia idle fidgets (including a lewd one I think you'll all like). I'll probably show those off in a future update, once we have a handful of them done.

Sorry I don't have much more to share, but all the appointments I had really took it out of me. There's not much to talk about regarding the appointments, either; we made a minor change to my ADHD medication (trying out 2 short-term pills per day instead of 1 extended release and 1 short-term, because I wasn't really feeling much of an effect from the extended one), and the rest is going to wait until mid-November to really get anywhere, since I'm waiting to get on insurance once open enrollment starts before doing anything major. I did get blood drawn for an allergy test though, which I've never done before, so it'll be interesting to see if I've been secretly allergic to anything all these years and just never realized it!

So that's more or less what happened this week. Sorry again it's such a short post, but I'm all done with appointments for a while now, so I should get some solid work in by next update! Thank you all for reading, and for continuing to be so patient with me as I try and get things back to normal. See you again next update!



Take care! And thank you for the update