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Hey everyone. This weekly update is going to be very short, apologies to anyone who was hoping for more.

Orexius is nearly done with the Edovex trio and xray cumshot (we'll be posting something about this on Discord soon, to get feedback from our Patrons there), and Red is progressing smoothly on the Azulisk scene; we have a few changes left, but the character art is nearly done, and then it's just background and final tweaks and it'll be done.

For me, this week was... rough, to say the least. A combination of the depression and side effects from starting medication, probably. My sleep has been terrible, my mood is by far the worst it's been, sometimes even just feeding myself has been a struggle. I'm sorry there's not anything from me in terms of development this week, I'm just trying my best to get through these side effects right now. They said 2-4 weeks for side effects to subside and start feeling the benefits, so hopefully there will be some improvement next update, but we'll have to wait and see. Sorry again there's not a longer update, I really appreciate all of your patience while I'm dealing with this.



Bro, your mental health is more important than any update. Stay cool, man, and I hope the side effects of the medication wear off soon!

Nathan Phoenix

My wife went through something similar. You need to try to convince yourself "I am feeling a little better" to give the placebo effect a chance to kick-start your meds. But at the same time that 2-4 weeks stuff can be total bullshit so don't be afraid to tell your doc "this shit isn't working".

Nathan Phoenix

Also from personal experience, creative minded types suffer hugely from abnormal sleep. Consider cutting out naps, caffeine, and large meals. Small meals, daily vitamins and a melatonin at night can help. Buy an overpriced bed if you wake up sore in the morning.


I went through the same trouble with my manic depression. Its difficult, however like others have said. Its on convincing yourself. Its difficult, and will have bumpy roads. But a few tips I can give: - Dont stress yourself about completing on time or work being subpar. Its a good work ethic to have, but its good to have some breathing time. Things get stressful and moods start to rocket on crunch times. I follow several game designs here on patreon. It was a dream I always wanted to be a game dev but never got to sit down for it. Most of the patreon pages I follow rarely update their work or show off anything new for several months! And of they do, nothing gets done... But for you and your team. All of you are so good on communicating! From showing live streams, reports, showing off game development. Thats good enough for me. And im sure several patreons can agree. Dont put yourself down on not getting enough done. You and your team do enough! - Dont think of the negative things without the positives. Im a half and half kind of person. I find it helpful to think of the good and bads before making a choice. Also think the same when negative things come to mind. A common one I feel is that I dont feel like I am fully utilized at work. I work in I.T, and my boss doesnt give me many tickets and feel like most of the stuff hes working on I will never get to learn. But on a plus side, when I do get a ticket. I have enough time to make the right choice and learn several things on the way. I have the freedom to drive around where I live and explore and meet new people. - Find something you really enjoy, and just find time to wind down. I find that programming, AI development, and gaming are all good for me to wind down to. Stressful, but it releases that inner dopamine when it does work. However, find something you like to do that might be useful to your job (I dont know if you have a job outside from the games dev) and just explore it. Actually it doesnt have to pertain to your job. Just find something you enjoy. Create a safe spot! I really enjoy watching the development of this game. I havent been as active, however ive been keeping close eye on this development! Im not sure how long the games been in development, however I truely feel my patreon subscription is utilized perfectly with the content and work being done. If I wasnt fighting money wise, id even try to donate more of I could. I truely am sorry things havent been the best, but we fully support you and your team! I wish for the best, and if you ever feel the need to take a break. Please do, im sure others will feel fine with you taking a small mental break. (Also note im not a medical professional. These are just things that I found helpful for myself.)