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Hey everybody. Continuing the trend of short weekly updates, we have a short weekly update for you today.

To get it out of the way now, I didn't really get any work done this week. I spent a good amount of the week anxious as hell about my appointment, which is pretty much how all of the appointments have gone so far, and it makes it hard to get even regular around-the-house stuff done since my stomach is busy being figuratively twisted into a knot. I've always had anxiety problems with upcoming events, but I think COVID and the complete at-home isolation that came with it made it even worse, so that's fun. I'm so sorry I continuously have very little to deliver, as far as game news goes, but I'm trying my best to not feel too bad for it; you've all been so incredibly understanding and supportive that it's honestly helping me not feel like a complete piece of shit every waking moment like I usually do when updates are bad, so right now I'm just going to try and do what you've all been telling me to do, and focus on my mental health and getting better.

The good news on that front is that the appointment happened a few days ago, and I am now officially on an antidepressant. The medication they prescribed me is primarily an antidepressant, but it's often used to treat all 3 of my major mental health issues (depression, anxiety, ADD), so the doctor wanted to start here in the hopes that one medication + therapy would be enough and that I wouldn't need to worry about taking a veritable cocktail of pills every morning. I started taking it a few days ago, so obviously no effects yet, but the medication is known to start causing changes for some people in as little as a week, with on average 1.5-2 months for the full effects. No way to know yet if I'll feel the effects on the quicker side or if it'll take longer, but it's nice to know there's a possibility that I'll start to see some minor improvements soon. Even if it takes on the longer side, though, this is the first real, actionable change that's happened since I started pursuing mental health care, so it's honestly already a pretty big comfort to me. I'll probably be starting therapy late July/early August, and in the meantime I now have something real to do that could result in some positive change. I'm fully prepared for the possibility of this medication not being "the right one", but even if it's not, just knowing that things are finally in motion is already helping me out a bit.

Enough about me and my life, though; there's not too much game progress to talk about this week, but I do have one fun thing I want to show off that a few people have been asking for for a long time. It's quite NSFW, so I unfortunately won't be able to show it off on this public post, but I'll be making another post after this that's Patrons-only. To any non-patrons reading this, you can find the NSFW stuff on any of the other places I post updates; it's not a Patron-exclusive preview, I just can't post NSFW stuff on public Patreon posts!

I can talk about it here though, even if I can't show it - we're adding xrays/internal shots to CPE! Orexius has animated one for the Edovex H-scene (featuring double penetration in the trio scene), and we'll be using the base animation he created to go back and add them to all penetration H-scenes in the game. This will be a toggleable option, so if you don't like xrays in your porn then you'll be able to turn it off. We also do not plan on having oral xrays at the moment, just downstairs penetration. All of the xrays probably won't be done in time for v0.45, since there's plenty of other work for Orexius to do, so we'll be working on adding all of them over the next update or two.

Alright, that's it for this week. I've been saying thanks a lot lately, but it's because I truly mean it - not a lot of people in the USA are able to afford proper healthcare, and the only reason I'm able to finally start working on my life-long mental issues is because of all of you. It's not only the financial support, though, you've all been constantly cheering me on, giving advice, and reminding me that it's okay to take the time I need to figure all of this out. I probably won't ever have the words to thank you all properly, but I'll keep doing my best to work on my issues so we can keep on delivering you not only this game, but many more after it. Thanks again, everyone, and I'll see you with another update next week. <3



Thanks for the post and good to hear you're getting better. As someone who suffers with the same 3 issues I understand what it feels like. Love the content