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Hey everyone. This'll be a pretty short update, but not for any bad reasons. Some good news this week, first; I managed to get most of the work I wanted done (not quite all of it, but it's a big step up from the previous few weeks), and I have a doctor's visit scheduled for early-mid June. I was hoping to have a visit sooner than that, but it was the soonest they could schedule me, and at least it's finally happening.

There's still not too much to post about this week; I spent my time implementing the various animations Orexius has been working on the past few weeks, doing some more writing, and planning out the new area Puffernutter is making tiles for. So, there's not really anything to show from my work, but it IS getting done slowly.

Orexius has been continuing work on the Edovex BE H-scene, and I'll be posting two more previews of that in the next post - not only the Duo H-scene loop, but if you remember from last week, I mentioned we were doing something special with the animation, and there will be a still image preview of that too.

The bad news (and you probably already realized this considering the last few weekly updates) is that the next version of CPE will almost definitely not be out on schedule. I don't know how much it will be delayed, but I've been feeling burnout of various degrees for.. a long time now, and now that I'm finally doing something about my mental health issues, I'm very hopeful that I'll come out of this better than ever. I've rarely been able to reach the level of productivity that I know I'm capable of, and I was never sure if it was the depression or the ADD (most likely a mixture of both), but with any luck I'll be able to figure it out and finally do something about it with the help of the doctors, instead of just trying to power through my mental issues like I've always done.

Alright, that's it for this weekly update (except for the Edovex previews of course, which will be coming in a second, Patron-only post after this one due to their NSFW nature - you can find the images anywhere else I post updates, if you aren't currently a patron). Sorry there wasn't too much to see, but the week did go overall well despite that! Sometimes we just don't have too much to show off visually, such is the nature of game development.

Thank you all so much for supporting us; we'll see you again next week!


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