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Hey everyone. I won't beat around the bush, this week was a struggle for me again - I managed to get the Gallery update out, which I'm happy about, and I did some writing work as well, both for an upcoming CG and story scenes, but things were pretty slow on my end.

I'm still waiting on the doctor to get back to me about scheduling an appointment, but hopefully once that's done it won't be too long before I can get some help in dealing with some of my depression, ADD, and anxiety. I don't think I've ever specified what kind of mental issues I'm dealing with (even though some of it is probably obvious if you've been following me for a while), and I'm not sure why that is; there's not really any value in being private or secretive about it, and I guess Mental Health Awareness month is as good a time as any to talk about it. I'm not sure why my depression is flaring up so heavily right now, nothing is going wrong in my life at the moment - if anything, we're doing great now that Puffernutter's health issues have been clearing up.. but I suppose that's the nature of depression, isn't it? It doesn't always make sense; if it did, it might be easier to deal with. Anyway, I won't talk your ear off about it - it's not an excuse for not getting more work done, and I'm sorry for that. Thankfully, the rest of our team is helping to pick up the slack while I try to figure out how to work with my own brain.

I mentioned Orexius was working on some NSFW stuff last week, and one of those animations is the new Edovex BE scene. I'll post a preview of the solo loop after this in a Patron-only post; you can find the animation other places I post updates if you aren't a patron, but I can't show it in a public post here, since it's NSFW. We're doing something special with the animation that I'm excited for you all to see, too; you won't know what it is just from the loop, though, so you'll have to wait and find out.

Puffernutter also had some time to work on tilesets this week; we posted a scene from this new area a while ago, and things might not look TOO different, but last time the scene was cobbled together from non-tile images that weren't actually possible to make levels with.

Now, this scene is made up of actual tiles prepped for use ingame, and there's been a lot of extra detail and polish too, so it's looking much nicer overall and I can start putting together rooms with it. Everything is still WIP, and the background still needs work, of course, but that'll come in due time. Oh, and ignore the fact that there's 2 Alicia's, Puffernutter just uses her sprite for scale reference when zoomed in :p

Anyway, that's about all I have this week. Sorry again for the mediocre weekly update; I'm really hoping next week's will be different, and I'm going to set myself some distinct work goals to try and make sure it happens. I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me even when this stuff happens; I hate letting you all down, but the stability you guys give us even in the tougher times means more than I can describe. So, thank you all so much, and I'll see you back here next week with a much better update.



Dark Alicia! 😲 But seriously, look after yourself, remember health comes first 🙂


I am sure you will be able to cope with your depression, and most importantly, your team should help you mentally and physically in this difficult time for you. Stay Safe!