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Hey everybody, sorry the gallery update came so late - as detailed in the v0.44 release post, the H-scene code change in v0.44 basically necessitated a full rework of the gallery, so it took longer than usual to put this together. That said, it's done now!

This gallery update contains all of the H-scenes (but not CGs) in Crisis Point v0.44. Newly updated from the previous version are an updated masturbation animation, Tentacle BE animation, and Slime BE animation.

Here's the download link. Enjoy!



Mikhael Beauparlant

Hello, thx for the Gallery, I can't seem to figure how to jump (to reach the enemy) or you now, trigger the masturbation animation... Is there something I miss?


In the public gallery version 0.2 I think? it was possible to spam the animations instantly as soon as climax hit by hitting I think the action button/BE button. (this was for the normal alarune) but I think in general animations kept repeating, which is better than having to press the button every time the cycle ends I don't remember if it was a bug or a feature, but honestly it made the gallery better in my opinion. Maybe try to make that an actual thing in the gallery? / in the final version?


My apologies for the confusion, it's based on the default controls from the game itself; WSAD to move (W also interacts with enemies and doors), H to masturbate, K to jump. I'll try and have more control options in future gallery versions.


Thank you for the feedback! The repeated climaxes were a bug, and will not be returning. As for looping the H-scenes, the issue with it is that many of our newer animations end in a different pose than they begin, so the loop will not be seamless at all. That being said, I'll consider making the H-scenes loop in the gallery again if it's something people want.


**UPTATE** I found the fix to my issue. I had to go to the microsoft website and download the "DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer". Either that, or I updated Windows and that fixed it, but I did them both at the same time so I'm not entirely sure. Here's the link either way. Hope it helps someone! https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35 **END UPDATE** So, it tells me DirectX not detected then shows me this ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation ShaderName: shdLighting_HueShift D3DXCompile failed - result at gml_Object_objGlobalControl_Draw_77 ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Object_objGlobalControl_Draw_77 (line -1)