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Hey everyone, just wanted to put out a quick post to let you know that this week's weekly update is either going to be delayed, or skipped entirely, as the title says.

Our household all got our second covid vaccination shots yesterday, and while we're all feeling fine for the most part (so far, fingers crossed), I'm personally feeling lightheaded and having an insanely hard time focusing. I was trying to work on the weekly update post, and after over an hour I barely had anything done (I was just recording some footage and even that wasn't finished yet), so at this point I just have to admit defeat and let my brain rest. Sorry for the disappointment!

If we're feeling better soon I'll try and get the post out tomorrow or something, but if not then I'll probably just roll this week's update into next week's. Thank you all for understanding, have a great weekend!



Oh, well, shit... I hope ya'll survive.


Right on. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.


God bless you. Hope you get back soon ~


Okay, I hope you all get well soon. Don't overdo it now, you better get some rest. Hopefully your dizziness will go away as well.


Sounds to me like some vertigo. Hopefully that's all it is and not covid