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As promised, here's the Tentacle BE H-scene preview! Enjoy!



Got any plans to add another status effect that changes scenes like BE? Something like an "Alarune sapling/spore" that makes temporarily makes Alicia a futa, or being possessed by Torguis/whatever the predecessor alien species is ghost that makes her more dominant?


Definitely not. The BE status basically doubles the animation work we need for every one of Alicia's animations; it's an unprecedented amount of work, and while it's very much worth it, doing another status on top of it would just be impossible with our budget/team size.. at least if we ever want to finish the game!


Oh absolutely, and after reading through the devlog from 13th and seeing that you're upgrading the AI on the variants I'm incredibly excited to see what kind of intresting mechanics you have in mind for the more unique enemies, like my personal favorite (in terms of both H-scenes, and gameplay) the lurker, but I do have to ask since you'll be changing the AI on the recolored warped soldiers to have better tracking do you plan making the soldier track during the burst, or will they remain firing at the spot where they start?


At the moment, the Warped Soldiers only track until they start firing. Once the first bullet flies they lock their aiming direction. That said, late-game variants might have full tracking at all times; it's a very easy variable to tweak, so we can tinker with it as needbe if Alicia's endgame movement kit ends up making them too easy!


Awesome!, I know the slimes and tentacles have quite a few variants are you going to make each different color a different speed/dig rate or will you group them into tiers? and also how many more areas/enemies are you planning for the 1.00 release?


I've been supporting since 2016 and to be honest, have been pretty disappointed in the sometimes glacial pace this project has had over such a large period of time. Seeing quality content like this over the last few updates has really helped to restore my faith, though. Keep up the good work (and more frequent new H-content)!


Not sure about small nitty-gritty details like that yet, it'll depend on what feels right. At the moment they're grouped into tiers, so that the differences between them are more noticeable, but I'm always tinkering with small things like that, so who knows how it'll end up. As far as areas, we've had all the major areas implemented for a bit now (I categorize the game as having 5 major areas, personally - Caves, Summit, Deep Soil, Catacombs, and Subaquatic Caverns), but some of those areas are split into multiple visually distinct places. Each area will have at least 3 unique enemies in it for a total minimum of 15 enemies (not including bosses). In some cases we end up with more enemies than that, like the Poison Alraune exists as an extra in the Deep Soil for example, but the minimum goal is that set of 15

