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Surprise, weekly updates are changing schedule (slightly)! Instead of posting them on Sundays, I'll be posting them on Saturday from now on!

Prepping weekly updates every week can take a few hours, from writing to prepping gifs and making sure they're posted everywhere. I'm changing the schedule to make room on Sundays, so I can get some light work done on the early stages of another game project - our next game after Crisis Point! I won't be discussing it in detail just yet, but we've nailed down what our second project is going to be, and have decided to begin early development now, so that when Crisis Point is finished we should already have an early playable version of the next game to show off! We're only dedicating one day a week to this new project, and it will only be on weekends, so don't worry about it conflicting with Crisis Point development - if anything, having a second project to work on something new every once in a while helps prevent burnout!

Anyway, enough about that. As I mentioned last week, development of v0.43 is wrapping up, so there's not a lot to show or talk about this week. We do have one visual, though, which is the gif up above, showcasing a new obstacle I created this week. It functions similarly to the falling platforms in the Summit, but if you continue to stand on the platform, it will start rising instead. The speed the platform rises at isn't final; I might make it faster since it is a bit sluggish right now, but it should make for some fun obstacle courses!

Aside from that, I spent most of my time this week adding the sound effects our sound guy finished (I'm still waiting on some, but the ones he has delivered have been added now), and continuing to tweak and polish things to get ready for the release. Not a lot of level design happened, since I wanted the rising platform obstacle to use in the new levels; I'll be spending time this week trying to actually add in a few new rooms to explore, but it's likely that v0.43 will be pretty light on the new content front. Boss 3's rework and cutscenes took up a lot of our time, so future updates should be better in that regard.. at least until it's time to add another boss fight :p

It's kind of hard to know when to cut off this update cycle and just release the thing. The longer it takes, the more likely the Sentry CG rework will be complete and we can include it. Red finished most of the character shading in our last stream, but the background is still only in sketch form, so there's still quite a bit of work left to do. We've also officially reached the 2 month mark now, so the update is technically "late" already. I guess we'll see how things are looking by next week's update. I can't guarantee that the update will be in a good enough state to be released by next Saturday, but I'm hoping it will be!

That's the end of the development update this week; thank you for reading, and for continuing to support us! The rest of the post will be my weekly health/fitness update, so feel free to skip it if you don't care about that!

As far as exercise goes this week, things didn't go super great. I must've pushed myself too far at some point, my legs were experiencing some sharp pain when bending certain ways for maybe ~4 days this week - for the first few days, I tried to continue exercising daily and just keep it very light, but that seemed to make the pain worse, so I had to take a few days off exercising entirely to let them rest and recover. I feel fine now, I just tried to go too far too soon, so I need to be a bit more careful about how far I'm pushing myself. After so many years of living a completely sedentary lifestyle, it seems I've got a ways to go to get my body in working order! The good news is that we finished setting up our spare room into a home gym, so it all feels a little bit more official now. Since we've put in that effort, it would be lame of us to give up on the exercise now, so we're in this for the long haul!

Thank you for reading the update, and I hope things are going well for all of you! We'll see you in next week's update!




I trust you in distributing the team's time on a future project. Of course I can't wait for Crisis Point to be released but I rather have it polished. I suppose the feedback from a public demo generally is a great indicator where you're at. Regarding the exercise: I'm prone to overdoing exercises as well and I must have done something to my hip. It hurt for months when I was bending in a certain way. I (and actually Ringfit Adventure too) do recommend to stay "in a comfortable range of motion" and take breaks when you feel they're due. Congrats to your gym!


I agree, the speed of the platform does seem a bit sluggish. Would seem a bit tedious if you failed the jumps more than once or twice, but I wouldn't increase the speed too much.